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ArticleName Separate processing of Vanukov smelting electrofilter dusts and their withdrawal from circulation at Sredneuralsky copper smelter
ArticleAuthor Skopov G. V., Belyaev V. V., Matveev A. V.

1 Chair of Electrochemistry, Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Office of Strategic Plans, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia

G. V. Skopov, Professor1, Chief Specialist2, e-mail:


Office of Strategic Plans, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
V. V. Belyaev, Head of Metallurgy Department
A. V. Matveev, Head of Lead and Zinc Production Department


This paper describes the reasons of withdrawal of electrofilter dusts from Vanyukov furnace charge. There is proposed a flow-sheet of separate processing of this dust. There are given the qualitative and quantitative results and indices of pilot testings, concerning to the withdrawal of dusts from Vanyukov furnace charge. There are shown the results of investigations of separate processing of Vanyukov furnace dusts in ore-thermal furnace with extraction of cooper and precious metals to matte, and extraction of zinc, lead, arsenic and antimony to slag and secondary sublimates. There is carried out the analysis of impurities distribution among the dust processing products and their influence on the quality of blister and cathode copper.

keywords Electrofilter dusts, electrosmelting, distribution of impurities, quality of copper

1. Skopov G. V., Matveev A. V. Trudy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya metallurgii i mashino stroeniya s ispolzovaniem zavershennykh fundamentalnykh issledovaniy i NIOKR” (Proceedings of scientific and technical conference “Problems and development prospects of metallurgy and mechanical engineering with usage of accomplished fundamental investigations and R&D”). Ekaterinburg : Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. pp. 242–245.

Language of full-text russian
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