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ArticleName Ecological and economic evaluation of ore concentration waste disposal into the worked-out areas under the urbanized territories (for example, Zhezkazgan village)
ArticleAuthor Babasov A. G.

Kazakhmys Corporation Ltd. (Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan):

Babasov A. G., Leading Engineer, Candidate of Economical Sciences, e-mail:


In most cases, long-term storage of mining wastes (including tailings), cause the widespread environmental pollution. Tailings can be disposed for surface construction, because they contain metals and sulfur compounds, eventually weakening the structures` strength. However, they are efficiently used in the space’s laying out. Usage of tailings will reduce the negative impact on environment and maintenance costs of tailings. According to this, the amount of land for mining allotments will be also reduced. Besides, the appropriateness of future usage of natural resources as a secondary mining, caused not only economic but also environmental problems. Due to the collapse of mine workings, there appears a violation of the structure geomedium subsoil, which leads to destabilization of hydrological regime of surface water sources and subsurface aquifers, reducing the soil cover fertility. At the same time, location of the goaf urban area raises the question of the area preservation. Anthropogenic mineral wastes have a negative impact on environment. Usage of these wastes in cooking hardening mixtures helps to study the economic feasibility and realizability. At the same time, there is gained the considerable experience in conducting activities for underground placement of tailings in worked-out area. However, the fact that concentration should be wasting for urbanized area, makes the operations specified, which requires further study, taking into account environmental, economic and social interests. Existing methods of ecological and economic assessment of economic decision do not allow to make a complete assessment to the operation of tailings disposal in the worked-out area under the urbanized territory. All the foregoing determines the relevance of research on ecological efficiency and economic feasibility of concentration in recycling out space under the urbanized territory (for example, Zhezkazgan village).

keywords Mining region, underground mining, worked-out areas, tailing dump, urbanized territory, ecological and social problems, utilization of tailings in subsurface voids, model and algorithm of ecological and economic assessment

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Language of full-text russian
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