Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2015 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Ultra dispersed shungite composite materials
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.02.14
Автор Tyulnin V. A.
Информация об авторе

Name & Surname: Tyulnin V. A.
Company: Mining Institute, National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Moscow, Russia)
Work Position: Professor
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Contacts: e-mail: v.tyulnin@yandex.ru


By features of structure and composition, shungite rocks baffle radio radiation, posssess high sorptive and catalytic properties, biocidal ability and conductivity. Moreover, their medicinal properties are widely known and proved by clinical testing. In recent years, researchers become increasingly focused on technologies for new materials production, first of all, composites with shungite filler, to extract all the good out of potential of this valuable material. Ultra dispersed shungite composites have been produced using magnesia binder. Shungite content was varied from 20 to 80% per mass. It is shown in the article that shungite filler attributes unique properties to both the carbonic matrix of shungite and the composite material as a whole. The produced composites can be used in the building materials industry to manufacture wall facing for buildings accommodating medical care agencies, wear-resistant heating coatings, including warm no-burn self-leveling floor in accommodation, athletic, trading and exhibition facilities. The composites may be recommended for manufacture of aesthetic radio radiation shields and low unit power energy-saving heaters.

Ключевые слова Shungite rocks, ultra dispersed, composite material, magnesia binder, properties of composites
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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