Журналы →  Non-ferrous Мetals →  2015 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Methodology of assessment of corporate investment in development of human capital in non-ferrous metals industry
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2015.01.01
Автор Nedospasova O. P., Putilov A. V., Moiseeva O. A.
Информация об авторе

Seversk Technological Institute – branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Seversk, Russia:

O. P. Nedospasova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of Economics Chair, e-mail: olgaeconomy@mail.ru


National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia.
A. V. Putilov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Dean of a Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies
O. A. Moiseeva, Assistant Professor


This article shows the analysis of a general form of methodology for assessment of corporate investment efficiency in development of human capital for industrial companies, operating in the field of preparation, production and processing of non-ferrous metals. There is considered the connection between industrial investment in accretion of human capital and its operational activities in four areas: finance, innovation activities, core competencies and Public-Private Partnership in the sphere of higher professional education. Methodology is executed in the form of Balanced Scorecard, which is chosen as a general technique for assessment of corporate investment efficiency in human capital development. Balanced Scorecard contains the goal description for each section, recommended operations and implementation procedure. Each section of proposed Balanced Scorecard is a part of integral chain of cause-and-effect relationship, which purpose is to explain and justify the forms and quantity of corporate participation in multi-agency investment strategy in human capital accretion. The proposed methodology creates universal conditions for the integration of business enterprises into the area of multi-agency investment in human capital. Corporate investment in the current and future employees plays critical role in the formation of Public-Private Partnerships for the development of human capital and core competencies, advancement of innovative development and, ultimately, the growth of domestic economy competitiveness.

Ключевые слова Methodology, balanced scorecard, company, human capital investment, development, efficiency, assessment
Библиографический список

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