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ArticleName The principles of sustainable ecologically balanced exploitation of mineral resources based on combined geotechnologies
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.11.07
ArticleAuthor Kaplunov D. R., Yukov V. A.

IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:

D. R. Kaplunov, Chief Researcher, Correspondent-Member og Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
V. A. Yukov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


The mining enterprise is understood as the mining complex including at least two further repartitions besides mineral production: enrichment and metallurgy. It isn't possible to characterize observance of conditions of sustainable ecologically balanced development of the mining enterprise a single indicator or criterion, at least and integrated. The sustainable development includes various areas: investigation of fields, sequence of their involvement in development, production and processing of raw materials, sales of products, received as a result of development of mineral deposits. In each of them a number of multidirectional factors works, the account and which assessment allows to compare the level of stability of development of separate options of development of fields and comparative opportunities of its (level) of change. The basic principles which application when developing project documentation of creation of the mining enterprise, will provide its further steady functioning are formulated: priority of involvement of a field in development, accounting of range of transportations of raw materials, providing gain of stocks, investigation and assessment of surrounding fields, investigation of non-core minerals, admissible fluctuations of productivity and content of metal, amount of influence of ecology and a number of others. The best conditions of sustainable ecologically balanced development of the mining enterprises are provided by the combined geotechnology which at the expense of a integration of various technological processes allows to operate effectively production of raw materials and reproduction of stocks at various stages of life cycle of the mining enterprises. The principles providing the sustainable and ecologically balanced development of a subsoil on the basis of the combined geotechnologies are formulated: from the forecast and justification of complex development, definition of a type of the applied geotechnologies, the closed turn of mineral substance, etc. to optimization of design decisions.
The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under government contract No. 14-37-00050.

keywords Principles, sustainable development, mining enterprise, combined geotechnologie, conditions, constrains

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Language of full-text russian
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