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ArticleName Mineral Mining Department: Initiation stages, lines of development, priority tasks
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.01.03
ArticleAuthor Zubov V. P.

National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

V. P. Zubov, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


The article presents the history of establishment and modification of the basic technological department at the National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)—Mineral Mining Department (MMD). The review covers the issues of initiation and buildup of the Course on the Mining Art and the analogous department succeeded by MMD. The role of Professor K. F. Butenev (1832) and other mining scientists in the process of growth of the Mining Art Department is enlightened. The author describes contribution made by the founders of the Saint-Petersburg School for Mining Engineers–Technologists (Professors B.I. Boky, N. I. Trushkov, E. N. Barbot de Marni) to mining education and mining industry. The theoretical and practical research findings in the schools headed by Professors A. A. Borisov, Yu. D. Dyad’kin, A. I. Arsent’ev, N. M. Proskuryakov and others are reported. The current status of MMD and its basic lines of activity are described. Currently, MMD offers 5.5 years program of educating mining engineers in the following areas of expertise: Underground Sheet Deposit Mining, Underground Ore Mining, Open Pit Mining. It is emphasized that the generic traditions of MMD include education in permanent conjunction with scientific research of topical problems in mining science and industry, business communications with mining companies, care and enshrining of the earlier accumulated scientific knowledge and pedagogical experience and its passing to teachers of new generations.

keywords Department, history, mining engineer, hard mineral mining, scientific research

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