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ArticleName Tailing dumps of Komsomolsk tin region: opportunities for recycling treatment and ecological problems
ArticleAuthor Zvereva V. P., Krupskaya L. T., Kemkina R. A., Kemkin I. V.

Far Eastern State University, Far Eastern Geological University of Russian Academy of Sciences:

V. P. Zvereva, Head of a Chair, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail:


Pacific State University:

L. T. Krupskaya, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences


Far Eastern State University:

R. A. Kemkina, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


Far Eastern Geological University of Russian Academy of Sciences:

I. V. Kemkin, Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


The research was executed with the support and within the framework of Russian Federal Targeted Programme “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel" (2009–2013). State Contract №16.740.11.0689 and Integrated Project FEB RAS No. 09-II-CO-08-008.

The tin, copper-tin and tin-metallic deposits development in Komsomolsk tin-ore district has been realized for 70 years, which led to the formation of mining antropogenic system, consisted of numerous mine workings, ditches, clearings, opencast mines, adits and three tailing dumps. Tails, put in tailing dumps storages, can be considered as potential additional mineral resources. The total quantity of useful metals in these resources consistute over ten thousand tones. In the presence of adequate technology they're actually ready to recycling and extraction of useful components wide range.

However, currently, the tailings dumps are a permanent source of atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere pollution in connection with wind straddle of tail fines, containing significant concentrations of heavy metals, as well as hitting of mine, drain conduit and mud waters into a river water of district.

Situation in Komsomolsk tin ore district may change for the worse and even lead to an environmental disaster in any point.

keywords Komsomolsky tin-ore district, the tail fines, metal reserves, dusting, drain conduct and mud waters, ecology

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Language of full-text russian
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