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Название Project solutions and explorationexperience of dehydrating system of Stoilenskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant quarry, protection and rational usage of region water sources
Автор Voropaev B. P., Genzel’ G. N., Gladchenko E. S., Elantseva L. A., Peshkov A. I.
Информация об авторе


Voropaev B. P., Chief of Projecting Department, e-mail: admin@novotek15.belgorod.ru

Genzel’ G. N., Deputy Director for Scientific and Projecting Work, C. Geol.-Miner., e-mail: admin@novotek15.belgorod.ru

Gladchenko E. S., Main Engineer of the Project, C. Eng., e-mail: admin@novotek15.belgorod.ru

Elantseva L. A., Chief of Scientific Department, C. Geol.-Miner., e-mail: admin@novotek15.belgorod.ru


“Stoilenskiy GOK” JSC:

Peshkov A. I., Main Hydro-geologist, e-mail: Peshkov_AI@sgok.ru


Exploration of Stoilenskiy quarry has been connected with necessity of organization ramified dehydrating system. It includes underground drainage complex and inside-quarry drainage workings. The structure of dehydrating system, equipment, volume of drained water, principles of its usage have been presented. The prospects of dehydrating system development, taken into account quarry widening, have been shown.

Ключевые слова “Stoilenskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant” joint stock company, quarry, dehydrating system, underground drainage complex, complex water usage, ecology
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