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Название Mineral-raw materials base and prospects of development iron-ore quarry at “Stoilenskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant” JSC
Автор Kryuchkov A. V., Semenov V. V., Rybakov V. P., Kompaniets A. I., Seryi S. S.
Информация об авторе

“Stoilenskiy GOK” JSC:

Kryuchkov A. V., Main Engineer — Deputy General Director, e-mail: Kryuchkov_AV@sgok.ru

Semenov V. V., Deputy Main Engineer for Drilling and Blasting Works Chief of Technical Department, C. Eng., e-mail: Semenov_VV@sgok.ru

Rybakov V. P., Main Mine-Surveyor, e-mail: Rybakov_VP@sgok.ru


“Centrogyproruda” Ltd.:

Kompaniets A. I., Main Engineer, e-mail: cgr@belgtts.ru



Seryi S. S.Deputy Director for Scientific Work, C. Eng., e-mail: viogem@mail.belgorod.ru


The prospects of productivity increasing of Stoilenskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant quarry by the way of widening (owing to reclamation of the South deposit) and processing of depth levels have been analyzed. There are three versions of improvement of transport system of extracted ores delivery from quarry to benefication plant, such as railway, conveying and combined systems. The combined scheme is more preferential according to preliminary calculation.

Ключевые слова “Stoilenskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant” joint stock company, quarry, productivity, system of ore tranportation
Language of full-text английский
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