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ArticleName Identification of dependence of technological parameters of processing plant's operation from the structure of delivered ore at “Uralasbest” JSC
ArticleAuthor Kochnev D. V.

«NIIproektasbest» JSC, Asbest, Sverdlovsk region, Russia:

Kochnev D. V., Head of Laboratory, e-mail:


«Uralasbest» JSC exploits the Bazhenovskoye deposit of chrysotile asbestos. This company is one of world's largest manufacturers of asbestos.

The plant produces the asbestos from 0-7 groups, each of which includes from 2 to 7 grades.

The necessity of providing the consumers with the required assortment of asbestos in certain periods and minimization of costs on production and processing of ore, determines the importance of solving the problem of reliable planning of ore delivery volumes with a required quality to the factory.

During the calculation of planned and actual indexes in the asbestos industry, there has been used the unit discharge index of asbestos, which is contained in the original ore, upon the production of 1 tonne of marketable products. This index is accepted for the response function.

During the period from August 2009 to April 2011 (21 months in all), there has been formed the base of monthly data of ore qualitative indicators and the plant operating indicators to determine the projected consumption of asbestos.

The following criteria for the parameters selecting for the database are:

-the values determination by the direct way, which was based on the measurements of physical quantities;

-the systematic calculation.

On the basis of the correlation ratio between the arguments and function, there was made the selection of indexes for the regression planning model of ore quality, which is fed from the mine to the factory.

According to the calculation of multiple-factor regression dependences, the regression equation with three parameters adequately reflects the changes of asbestos consumption: the total mass of asbestos of I-III geological grades, the part of ores from the coarse grid zone and 0.075 millimeters of the total mass of fraction in the commodity asbestos.

The calculation of the monthly production of commodity asbestos, using the asbestos consumption, defined by the regression equation, shows that the developed regression equation for the projected asbestos consumption reliably reflects the amount of commercial asbestos production and allows to plan the mining operations in accordance with the specified qualitative and quantitative indices of the factory products.

The developed regression model of the planning of extracted ores quality was put into automated program for the calculation of ore quality and forecast concentrating indices for testing in industrial environment.

keywords Asbestos, forecasting, ore quality, consumption of asbestos, statistics, correlation, regression analysis

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Language of full-text russian
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