Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Fragments of history

V. A. Romenets
This book is devoted to the 75th anniversary of foundation of this leading Russian metallurgical high school. Bibliographic materials, author’s memoirs and analysis of his scientific activity made the objective picture of creation, development and improvement of scientific and pedagogical work in the institute.
The author, Prof. Romenets, is the live participant of all institute events for more than half-century: at first as the student and later as pro-rector (for 30 years) and head of the chair of economics and management (more than 35 years, until today). The histore of this chair is presented in details. Especial chapter is devoted to “Romelt” process and its prospects.
The book can be interested for all metallurgists, as well as for people interested in the history of higher education in Russia.
ISBN: None
Pages: 0
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2004
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