Development of method for efficiency evaluation of technological decisions in design of ore mining enterprises

Yu. K. Dyudin
Problem of development and justification of method for evaluation of efficiency of technological decisions made in mining industry is discussed. The method should provide increase of decision quality in design of new and reconstructed ore mines. It’s necessary to perform validation of technological decision making in design of ore mines taking into account dynamic characteristics of organizational, technological and economical production system on the basis of estimation of mine productivity changes and forecast of scientific-and-technological progress. The book is intended for scientific and engineering personnel, designers of ore mining enterprises, and tertiary students with specialization in: “Ore mine design”, “Underground development of mineral deposits”, “Open mining”, “Development of technogenic mineral deposits”, and also for preparation of bachelors and magisters in speciality “Ore mining”.
ISBN: 5-8216-0068-5
Страницы: 0
Издатель: Ore and Metals PH
Язык: Russian
Год издания: 2006
Информацию о наличии издания и его цену можно узнать по эл. почте
Analysis of problem status in estimation of efficiency of technological decision making
Main aspects of problem statement for design of rational technological scheme of ore mine
Analysis of methodological approaches to estimation of technological decisions efficiency
Systematization of estimation methods for technological decisions in ore mine projects
Model development for efficiency estimation of technological decisions
Influence of efficiency of technological decisions on development of mining industry
Organizational and technological substance of design decisions efficiency
Economical substance of technological decisions efficiency
Investment model design decisions efficiency
Development of methodology for estimation of design decisions efficiency in ore mine design
Validation of requirements to development of methodology for efficiency estimation in progressive technological decision making
Choice and validation of efficiency criterion for progressive technological decision making
Requirements of system approach to efficiency estimation for progressive technological decisions on actual performance characteristics
Validation of efficiency criterion for progressive technological decisions in ore mine design
Validation of efficiency criterion for progressive technological decisions in ore mine design in case of combined exploitation method
Experience of pit reserves excavation
Validation of transition boundary in combined excavation method
Validation of transition boundary from open mining to underground mining
Validation of borrow cut on tense deformed state of rock mass in area of mine
Validation of dividive pillar parameters during pit reserve excavation of wet ore by underground mining
Validation of dividive pillar parameters during pit reserve excavation by underground mining
Validation open-underground tier in combing implementation of mining
Validation of efficiency criterion of progressive technological decisions in design of ore mines excavating deposits by combined method
Validation of mining decrease in transition zone at excavation by combined method
Analysis of design decisions at pit reserve excavation
Estimation of ecological consequences at combined excavation of ore deposits
Validation of technical-and-economic efficiency of technological decisions in ore mine designs
Validation of methodology of progressive technological decision selection ore mine designs
Estimation of constituents of economical effect
Review of some design decisions in development of ore deposits
Calculation of economical effect of implementation of progressive technological decisions
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