Gold: refractory ores

Zakharov B. A., Meretukov M. A.
This book describes an information, which characterizes the modern status of chemistry, mineralogy and metallurgy of gold, as applied to the processing of refractory ores. There are considered the basic factors, which make an influence on the choice of optimal scheme in the time of processing of gold-containing ores from various deposits.
The first part of the book (introduction) describes the development history of the processing methods of refractory gold-containing ores. There are given the classification principles of gold deposits, mineralogical characteristics of gold and examples of deposits with certain ores, which are refractory, according to the cyanide process.
The second part of this book describes the types and reasons of refractoriness of gold-containing ores, including the natural processes, which defined the condition of gold in ores. The characteristics of natural sorbents of gold, bearing materials and rock forming minerals are also described. There is given an information about modern analytic technics, which realizes the high accurate definition of the content of gold (including the submicroscopic) in ore objects.
The third part describes the methods of conditioning of gold-containing ores before cyanidation, including the electrochemical and energetic influences, thermal, autoclave and biological opening. The special processing methods of refractory carbonaceous ores are also considered in this part of the book.
The forth part describes the industrial processing methods of refractory gold-containing ores, including the gravitation and flotation concentration, and special cyanidation methods. This part also describes the reasons, which define the partial extraction of gold in the time of realization of separate technological operations. There is given the information, which characterizes the extraction of gold from refractory semiproducts and dumps. There is considered the possibility of using of alternative non-cyanide solvents for the processing of refractory ores. In conclusion, there is given an information about the range of foreign plants, which process the refractory gold-containing ores.
This book is intended for scientific workers, engineers, post-graduate students and students, which specialization lays in the area of gold hydrometallurgy.
Language of edition: Russian.
ISBN: 978-5-98191-068-5
Страницы: 452
Переплет: hardcover
Издатель: Ore and Metals PH
Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2013
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