Gold: chemistry for metallurgists and dressers

M. A. Meretukov, K. S. Sanakulov, A. V. Zimin, M. A. Arustamyan
This book tells about the modern state of the chemistry of gold. Theoretical basis of the processes, connected with preliminary processing of ores, gold dissolution and its release from solutions are investigated. Special attention is payed for the nanostate of gold, defining its unusual behavior during the realization of concentration and metallurgical processes. Introduction of this book tells about the history, foundation and development of chemistry and metallurgy of gold.
The first part considers physical-chemical and electrochemical properties of gold and its compounds (basically cyanide), and describes the novations in gold chemistry and influence of relativistic effects on its properties.
The second part is devoted to the nanostate of gold. It includes the information about nanogold, nanomineralogy, nanometallurgy, obtaining and building of gold clusters.
The third part considers theoretical basis of the processes, used for the conditioning of gold-bearing ores, including thermal treatment (oxidation annealing and pyrolysis), autoclave and bacterial treatment.
The forth part shows the physical and chemical basis (thermodynamics and kinetics) of gold leaching processes using cyanide, thiourea, thiosulfate, chloride and other dissolvents.
The fifth part considers the theoretical basis of the processes of gold release from solutions, including zinc cementation and adsorption on ion-exchange synthetic resins, active coals and natural organic compounds.
The analytical methods are considered, allowing the diagnostics of the gold state during mineralogical investigation of ores and their metallurgical processing.
Language of edition: Russian.
ISBN: 987-5-98191-077-7
Pages: 412
Binder: hardcover (or supercover)
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2014
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