Non-ferrous Metals

A new issue of the «Non-ferrous metals» journal shows various researches in non-ferrous metals industry.
The item «Rare metals, semiconductors» shows the research of regularities of formation of microstructure, mechanical and electrical characteristics of lithium niobate ceramics depending on the dispersion degree of initial charge.
The item «Composite materials and multifunctional coatings» shows two works of Far Eastern Federal University scientists about PEO-coatings.
The item «Metal processing» tells about the research of the properties of the already known and currently developed aluminium alloys.
The item «Automation» includes two articles about the researches of thermal physics processes in electrochemical reactor.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Research of particularities in formation of microstructures, mechanic and electric properties of lithium niobate ceramics in dependence of the initial charge dispersity |
Авторы | Palatnikov M. N., Shcherbina O. B., Masloboeva S. M., Efremov V. V. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Material KSC RAS, Apatity, Russia: M. N. Palatnikov, Sector Leader |
Название | Formation of the composite coatings as a method of restoration of titanium products after exploitation |
Авторы | Mashtalyar D. V., Gnedenkov S. V., Sinebryukhov S. L., Nadaraia K. V. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Chemistry of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia D. V. Mashtalyar, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Composite Coatings for Biomedical Applications, е-mail: |
Название | Composition, morphology and tribological properties of PEO-coatings formed on an aluminum alloy D16 at different duty cycles of the polarizing signal |
Авторы | Egorkin V. S., Vyaliy I. E., Sinebryukhov S. L., Gnedenkov S. V. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Chemistry of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia: V. S. Egorkin, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Nonstationary Surface Processes, е-mail: |
Название | Physical and computer simulation of severe plastic deformations on shear-compression testing of AMg6 (АМг6) aluminium alloy |
Авторы | Pesin A. M., Pustovoytov D. O., Steblyanko V. L., Fedoseev S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia: A. M. Pesin, Professor
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia: |
Название | Investigations on the strength of soldered joints of materials based on REM – Fe (Co) alloys |
Авторы | Tarasov V. P., Gorelikov E. S., Kutepov A. V., Stepnov A. A. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Tarasov, Head of Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, Professor, e-mail: |
Название | Optimization of mechanical properties and hardness of cold-worked plates out of 1565ch aluminium alloy |
Авторы | Drits A. M., Nuzhdin V. N., Preobrazhenskiy E. V., Eremeev N. V. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Arconic SMZ”, Moscow, Russia: A. M. Drits, Business Development and New Technologies Director, e-mail:
Название | Analysis of energy-force parameters of combined processing for receiving modifying bars from Al – 5 Ti – 1 B alloy |
Авторы | Sidelnikov S. B., Galiev R. I., Lopatina E. S., Samchuk A. P. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: S. B. Sidelnikov, Professor, Head of a Chair “Metal forming”, e-mail: |
Название | Problems of analysis of thermalphysic processes in a reaction zone of electrothermal reactor |
Авторы | Panchenko S. V., Dli M. I., Bobkov V. I., Panchenko D. S. |
Информация об авторах | Branch of the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Smolensk, Russia: S. V. Panchenko, Professor, Chair of Physics |
Название | Certain of the thermal physics problems of reducing processes in chemical electrothermal reactors |
Авторы | Panchenko S. V., Dli M. I., Bobkov V. I., Panchenko D. S. |
Информация об авторах | Branch of the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Smolensk, Russia: S. V. Panchenko, Professor, Chair of Physics |