Tsvetnye Metally

Название | Application of regression analysis apparatus for processing the results obtained from ore processing by the centrifugal concentration method |
Авторы | Burdonov A. E., Novikov Yu. V., Lukyanov N. D. |
Информация об авторах | Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia A. E. Burdonov, Associate Professor of the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after. S. B. Leonov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: slimbul@inbox.ru |
Название | Investigation of the effect of temperature conditions of the slag depletion process on the coalescence of metal phase particles |
Авторы | Bogatyrev D. M., Novozhilova O. S., Tsymbulov L. B., Ozerov S. S. |
Информация об авторах | LLC Gipronickel Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia D. M. Bogatyrev, Researcher at the Pyrometallurgy Laboratory, e-mail: BogatyrevDM@nornik.ru |
Название | Recovery of vanadium from ferriferous waste of vanadium production |
Авторы | Ilves E. K., Blokhin A. A., Murashkin Yu. V., Chemekov A. M. |
Информация об авторах | Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Special Design and Technological Bureau “Technolog”, Saint Petersburg, Russia E. K. Ilves, Senior Specialist of the Quality Control Department, e-mail: ilves1997@mail.ru Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia A. A. Blokhin, Head of the Department of Technology of Rare Elements and Nanomaterials Based on Rare Elements, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: blokhin@list.ru R&D Center JSC Rusredmet Group of Companies, Saint Petersburg, Russia |
Название | Fretting wear of arc sprayed NiCrBSi coatings |
Авторы | Lesnevsky L. N., Nikolaev I. A., Astafev E. A., Timofeev N. S. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia L. N. Lesnevsky, Professor of the Department of Aircraft Engine Manufacturing Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: l.lesnevskiy@yandex.ru |
Название | Influence of sodium on the structure and properties of aluminum matrix composite materials based on pseudobinary eutectic |
Авторы | Deev V. B., Prusov E. S., Ri E. Kh., Shabaldin I. V. |
Информация об авторах | Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, China ; Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, V. B. Deev, Professor of School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation1, Chief Researcher2, Professor of the Metal Forming Department3, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: deev.vb@mail.ru
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia I. V. Shabaldin, Laboratory Assistant, Researcher of the Department of Technology of Functional and Structural Materials, e-mail: shabaldinivan@mail.ru
Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia |
Название | Effect of quenching temperature on the structure formation, liquation processes, microhardness of structural constituents and hardness of alloy AM4.5Cd modified with cerium |
Авторы | Slavinskaya N. A., Ri H., Ri E. H., Zhivetev A. S. |
Информация об авторах | Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia N. A. Slavinskaya, Lecturer of Higher School of Industrial Engineering, Polytechnic Institute, e-mail: 010763@pnu.edu.ru |
Название | Weldability of new aluminum alloys based on Al – Mg – Ca – Zn in resistance spot welding |
Авторы | Ovchinnikov V. V., Akopyan T. K., Sbitnev A. G., Barykin M. A. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia V. V. Ovchinnikov, Head of the Materials Science Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: vikov1956@mail.ru
Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia1 ; National University of Science and Technology Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow, Russia2 |
Название | A method for cleaning the surface of gas turbine engine blades from chromium, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt and tungsten oxides using reducing properties of hydrogen |
Авторы | Fomina D. D., Poilov V. Z., Gallyamov A. N. |
Информация об авторах | Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Perm, Russia |
Название | Study on efficiency of cleaning aluminum alloy 5052 from hydrogen, sodium and calcium with fluxes of various manufacturers |
Авторы | Bezrukikh A. I., Konstantinov I. L., Matyushentsev V. A., Dombrovsky N. S. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia A. I. Bezrukikh, Lead Researcher of the Office for Development of Research, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: ai@bezru.ru |
Название | The history of rare earth elements discovery. Samarium, europium and gadolinium |
Авторы | Detkov P. G., Drobot D. V. |
Информация об авторах | Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC, Solikamsk, Russia P. G. Detkov, Member of the Board, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: p.detkov@yandex.ru
Independent Expert, Moscow, Russia |