Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2013 →  №3 →  Назад

Название A technology for magnesium removal from the Bakalskoye deposit ores
Автор Koltsov V. Yu., Kuznetsov I. V., Velichkina N. S., Yudina T. B.
Информация об авторе

JSC «Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology» (Russia):

Koltsov V. Yu., Chief of Department, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, basilik2@yandex.ru
Kuznetsov I. V., Reseacher, ivan7501966@mail.ru
Velichkina N. S., First Category Engineer, nefertari.88@mail.ru
Yudina T. B., Leading Reseacher, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, yudinatb@yandex.ru


The Bakalskoye deposit siderites are valuable raw material for highquality steel production. With regard to metallurgical value, their composition is not inferior to highest grades of ores and concentrates of other deposits. However, increased magnesium oxide content hampers smelting of the Bakalskoye deposit siderites in blast furnaces, due to production of pasty refractory slag. This explains the necessity for their beneficiation. The article presents the results of the studies conducted on samples of concentrates, produced following magnetic concentration of siderite ore. It was established, that solidphase sulphatisation is an effective method for magnesium removal from the Bakalskoye deposit sideroplesite ores. The roasting process optimal temperature regime was determined. Studies were performed with application of differential thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy methods. It is shown, that application of solidphase sulphatisation with subsequent roasted product leaching by water permits to obtain concentrate containing 60 % iron, removing over 85 % of magnesium from this concentrate. On the basis of the conducted studies, a principal flow sheet was recommended for treatment of the Bakalskoye deposit siderople site ore magnetic separation concentrate.

Ключевые слова Iron, magnesium, siderite ore, roasting, sulfuric acid, solidphase sulphatisation, leaching, metals recovery
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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