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ArticleName License process on Russian Arctic continental shelf
ArticleAuthor Suprunenko O. I., Suslova V. V., Medvedeva T. Yu., Stoyanov S. F.

Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia):

Suprunenko O. I., Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail:

All-Russia Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean (VNIIOkeangeologiya) (Saint Petersburg, Russia):

Suslova V. V., Head of Department, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

Medvedeva T. Yu., Leading Engineer

Stoyanov S. F., Leading Engineer


Large and unique oil and gas fields were discovered in Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas in 1980-s – early 1990-s. When Ledovoe gas condensate field was discovered in 1992, it became obvious that West Arctic Shelf is an outstanding oil and gas bearing offshore area, which hydrocarbon potential is based mostly on unique identified resources of Stockman and Ledovoe fields in Barents Sea, and Rusanovskoe and Leningradskoe fields in Kara Sea. Licenses for prospecting, assessment and production of the considered fields (the first for continental shelf) were given to “Rosshelf” JSC. “The Concept for Research and Development of Hydrocarbon Resources of the Continental Shelf Barents Sea Province” was formed in 1994-1995. The first license tender “Barents-1” took place in 1999. “Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka” JSC became the winner of the tender and received licenses for research and development on Pomorskiy, Kolokomorskiy and Medynsko-Varandeyskiy oil and gas sectors. 15 licenses on Barents and Kara Seas shelf have been distributed by 2000. As of April 1, 2013, 51 license for hydrocarbons, owned by 12 subsoil users, were active on Russian arctic seas. The budget of six subsoil users is working on 35 sites. Research on 15 prospecting sites is being preformed by other subsoil users on the basis of government contracts. Seventeen transit (onshore-offshore) licenses are acting within territorial and inner seas above the proper shelf licenses. Those licenses were issued by the Regional Authorities of Russian Federation. The licenses provide the development and production within the hydrocarbon fields, which cross the shore line. Nowadays, near the whole prospect area on Russian Arctic Shelf is under the license process. Considering the fact that regional stage of research was not accomplished within a license series and the sites, applied for license, it is expedient that Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russian Federation and Federal Subsoil Resources Management Agency, in cooperation with representatives of government owned subsoil user companies should form the Program of Accomplishment of Regional Research Stage of Russian Continental Shelf (with obligatory inclusion of scientific drilling) by 2020.

keywords Arctic shelf, hydrocarbon raw materials, geological prospecting and development, licensing, regional research stage
Language of full-text russian
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