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ArticleName Motion of deformable inclusions in horizontally oscillating vessel with compressible liquid
ArticleAuthor Demidov I. V., Sorokin V. S.

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (Russia);

Demidov I. V., Postgraduate


Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS (Russia), REC «MekhanobrTekhnika» (Russia): 

Sorokin V. S., Senior Researcher, Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics,


This work investigates particle and gas bubble motion in liquid in horizontally oscillating vessel, taking into consideration both particle's and gas bubble's own compressibility, as well as compressibility of medium. A nonlinear differential equation was derived, describing inclusions' motion relative to vessel, the equation being solved by the method of straight division of motions. As a result, an analytic expression was found with regard to additional vibrational force, acting on inclusion. It is shown, that large compressible bubbles under effect of this force move into pressure antinode, and small ones — into pressure nodes. An expression was found with regard to "critical" radius that determines size of bubbles, affected by negligible vibrational force. It is noted, that the character of solid inclusions behavior in liquid depends both on their size and density; e.g., it is shown that heavy large particles move into pressure nodes. A simple physical explanation is proposed for the revealed effects, in particular, a mechanism of vibrational forces acting upon inclusions is described. The results, obtained in this work, may facilitate the solution of the important task of degassing and eliminating solid inclusions from liquid fuels. Also, the results may be used with a view to optimize and control certain production processes, including flotation.

keywords Horizontally oscillating vessel, compressible liquid, compressible bubble, vibrational forces, flotation

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Language of full-text russian
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