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ArticleName Tool control method of strain-stress state of marginal salt rocks
ArticleAuthor Asanov V. A., Anikin V. V., Beltyukov N. K., Evseev A. V., Toksarov V. N.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia:

Asanov V. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Evseev A. V., Scientific Fellow, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Toksarov V. N., Assistent Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Phone: +7 (342) 219-80-19


Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

Anikin V. V., Scientific Fellow, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Beltyukov N. K., Post-Graduate, e-mail:


To reduce the risks of accidents in underground water-soluble ore deposits, a flexible system of geomechanical monitoring of mine safety is needed. Many years of research experience of physical and mechanical properties, stress-strain state of salt rock during sylvinite layers excavation in VKDPS mines allowed to develop the principles of experimental and theoretical estimation of the bearing elements state of the mining method. The essence of this method is a meaningful interpretation of the results of in-situ studies using mathematical modeling. In the study of the stress-strain state of the marginal rock the research methods have measuring bases that are significantly higher than the characteristic size of the structure inhomogeneity of the massif. It eliminates the need of model transitions from the measured strains to stresses. These requirements are met by slot discharge methods and methods that are based on the memory effects during deformation of the well walls by Goodman hydraulic jack. To take into account the structural features of the massif, estimation of physical and mechanical properties of the host rock is undertaken in natural conditions by testing of large-size blocks. The results of instrumental measurements are used as input information for estimation of steady state of pillars by means of mathematical modeling. During the simulation process, parameters of a model are determined and the diagram of the stress distribution across the width of pillars, calculated for these parameters, and the value of the surface displacement will correspond to the results of experimental studies. Our procedure is used for estimation of structural elements stability of heading-and-stall development method for sylvinite layers.

The work has been made under support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), grants 11-05-96010-r-ural_a, 11-05-96020-r-ural_a.

keywords Potassium deposit, underground mines, heading-and-stall development method, base constructions, water-proof stratum, stressstrain state, deformation, natural testings, geomechanical processes, mathematical simulation

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Full content Tool control method of strain-stress state of marginal salt rocks