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ArticleName Seismic monitoring in potash mines: observation results and development aspects
ArticleAuthor Dyagilev R. A., Shulakov D. Y., Verholantsev A. V., Glebov S. V.

Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

Dyagilev R. A., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, e-mail:

Shulakov D. Y., Scientific Fellow, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

Verholantsev A. V., Junior Scientific Fellow, e-mail:


“Uralkaliy” OJSC, Berezniki, Russia:

Glebov S. V., Head of Geology Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


Seismological observations in potash mines of Verkhnekamskoe deposit are carried out since 1995. Their start trigger was earthquake situated in mine field of SKRU-2 mine. Exploration of the mine after event was under the treat. As result of the situation, a modern seismic control network covering area of 120 км2 has appeared. At present the network consists of 35 seismic stations providing representative instrumental data about all seismic events of magnitude M > 0.3 for all operating mines. Local seismic subsystems providing information about very small events (–3 < M < 0) are working as well. The latter are used to monitor sinkholes appearance above flooded mine. Observation results for years show the natural seismicity may be sensed good and happens very rarely. Induced seismicity is weaker but being under influence of rock conditions (physicalmechanical properties) and technology of extraction (mining, backfilling, blasting) it needs constant attention. Seismic monitoring had made clear many factors affecting seismicity in all operating mines and allowed to determine its relation to deformation processes in undermined massif. Investigation of seismicity due to sinkholes had showed the way to control effectively sinkhole development and help to minimize risk of accidents related to them.

Work is performed with support of the program of basic researches Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, the project No. 12-I-5-2050.

keywords Seismological monitoring, potassium mine, induced seismicity, triggered seismicity, aftershock, magnitude, sinkhole, prediction of events

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Full content Seismic monitoring in potash mines: observation results and development aspects