Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2014 →  №1 →  Назад

Название The Svintsovye Tundry deposit iron ores material composition and dressability
Автор Petrov S. V., Kazanov O. V., Antonov А. А., Borozdin А. P.
Информация об авторе

St. Petersburg State University (Russia); 

Petrov S. V., Head of Chair, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy, petrov64@gmail.com

Antonov А. А., Head of Chair, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Geology and Mineralogy

Borozdin А. P., Senior Lecturer


JSC «Central Kola Expedition» (Russia):

Kazanov O. V., Chief Geologist


The article presents the results of the Svintsovye Tundry ore occurrence ferruginous quartzite mineral and chemical composition studies. Ores dressability processing studies included dry and wet magnetic separation with different degrees of ore grinding, as well as gravity concentration of non-magnetic products. With respect to mineral composition, ores are classified into two types: 1) magnetite-quartz — characterized by a lower content of Fetot, but also by a high proportion of magnetite iron and a low proportion of iron bound with silicates; regarding slag-forming elements, Mg, Al, K, Na, Ti oxides concentrations are increased; regarding microelements — Ni, Zn and Pb; 2) silicate-magnetite-quartz — characterized by increased content of Fetot, and a high proportion of metal bound with silicates, with P2O5 content being increased. Wet magnetic separation concentrates grade is high — 68.7 %, a number of samples provided for production of superconcentrates with mass fraction of Fetot being over 70 %. Concentrates basicity coefficient ((MgO+CaO)/Al2O3) is similar for ores of different types — 0.33–0.34. Alumina-to-silica ratio (SiO2/Al2O3) amounts up to 10.2 for the ores of the first type, and is 8.75 for the ores of the second type. Fetot recovery is not a function of its content in feed ore, as a considerable part of metal is bound with rock-forming silicates. Average Fetot recovery is 88.7 % from the ores of the first type, and is significantly lower from the ores of the second type — 70.7 %. The respective indices of magnetite iron recovery are 99.0 and 98.7 %. Wet magnetic separation tailings studies revealed low and very low hematite grades, and several copper gold grains were found in one of the samples. As a result of the studies, a conclusion was drawn with regard to the Svintsovye Tundry deposit ores composition conformity with ores from the deposits named after Prof. Bauman and the 15th Anniversary of October. Ores from this occurrence may be processed at the Olenegorskaya Concentrator without any changes in the existing flow sheet.

Ключевые слова Ferruginous quartzites, magnetic methods of concentration, concentrates grade, hematite and native gold
Библиографический список

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4. Kots G. A., Chernopyatov S. F., Shmanenkov I. V. Tekhnologicheskoye oprobovaniye i kartirovaniye mestorozhdeniy (Technological sampling and mapping of deposits). Moscow, Nedra, 1980, 288 p.
5. Filippova N. A. Fazovyy analiz rud i produktov ikh pererabotki (Phase analysis of ores and products of their processing). Moscow, Khimiya, 1975, 280 p.
6. GOST R 52939—2008. Rudy zheleznyye tovarnyye neobogashchennyye. Obshchiye tekhnicheskiye usloviya (State Standard R 52939—2008. Ores iron merchantable unconcentrated. General specifications). Moscow, Standartinform, 2008, 11 p.
7. GOST 25473—82. Rudy zheleznyye i kontsentraty. Metod opredeleniya tekhnologicheskogo tipa (State Standard 25473—82. Iron ores and concentrates. Method of mineralogical type definition). Moscow, IPK Izdatelstvo standartov, 1982, 7 p.

Language of full-text русский
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