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ArticleName Control algorithms for potash ore blending at ore stockpile
ArticleAuthor Varlamova S. A., Zatonskiy А. V.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Berezniki Branch (Russia):

Varlamova S. A., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences,

Zatonskiy А. V., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,


The problem of potash ore blending with regard to its composition has been considered. Conventional methods of blending and arising difficulties are described. A special algorithm for ore stockpile filling is proposed with a view to blend ore with high content of insoluble constituent. In order to solve the task of modeling ore stockpile filling with consideration of ore grains pouring and segregation, flattened particles hydrodynamics method was employed. Software, based on this method, permits to model ore stockpile height during filling, with subsequent more precise determination through video sequence analysis. Ore filling control method is proposed, afterwards permitting to reasonably determine ore portion reclaiming point. Cases of uniform and non-uniform statistical distribution of ore valuable component and insoluble constituent content were considered. A computational experiment was performed with a view to check the proposed control algorithm functioning. Ore reclaiming by means of grabbing crane was modeled, taking into consideration ore grains pouring into formed pockets. Ore blending factor variations by insoluble constituent and KCl were traced with time. It was noted, that the algorithm effectiveness depends on mass rate of both components, their statistical distribution and stockpile geometrical dimensions.

keywords Potash industry, ore composition blending, modeling, control automation

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