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115th anniversary of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
Название The input of the lecturers of Polytechnic institute in teaching of metallurgical engineers in 1907–1930
Автор A. I. Demidov
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St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia):

Demidov A. I., Dr. Chem., Prof., e-mail: ph_chem@ftim.spbstu.ru


The history of the metallurgical department (faculty) in St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University since 1902–1903 id presented; it was connected with growing demand on metallurgical engineers in Russia in the beginning of XX century. At first metallurgical department consisted of two sections — metallurgical and electrochemical. A row of famous scientists that were the first lecturers for future metallurgical engineers are described, among them N. A. Menshutkin, N. A. Kurnakov, F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing, A. A. Rzheshotarskiy, A. A. Baikov, M. A. Pavlov, V. E. Grum-Grzhimailo, V. A. Kistyakovskiy, P. P. Fedotyev, N. I. Belyaev, B. V. Stark, M. M. Karnaukhov, G. G. Urazov, N. T. Gudtsov, M. G. Oknov, D. M. Tatarchenko, G. A. Kashchsenko, I. M. Pavlov, M. P. Slavinskiy. Some of these specialists participated in the first steps of the Moscow Mining Academy (since 1918) and Moscow Institute of Steel (since 1930). In June 1930, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has been divided in seven industrial institutes, including Metallurgical, Electromechanical, Electric Welding, Physical-Chemical, Machine-Building, Hydrotechnic and Boiler-and-Turbine. Part of these institutes reunited in June 1934 in Leningrad Industrial Institute, renamed in November 1940 in Leningrad Polytechnic Institute.

Ключевые слова St. Petersburg, polytechnic university, metallurgical faculty, metallurgical engineers, lecturers
Библиографический список

1. S. Peterburgskiy Politekhnicheskiy Institut Imperatora Petra Velikogo. Metallurgicheskoe otdelenie (Peter the Great Polytechnical Institute. Metallurgical department). Under the general editorship of M. A. Pavlov. Saint Petersburg : Tipo-lit. Shredera, 1914. 244 p.
2. Menshutkin B. N. Zhizn i deyatelnost Nikolaya Aleksandrovicha Menshutkina (Life and work of Nikolay A. Menshutkin). Saint Petersburg : Printing Office of M. Frolova, 1908. 376 p.
3. Morachevskiy A. G. Otets i syn Menshutkiny (Father and son Menshutkin). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2012. 123 p.
4. Volkov V. A., Vonskiy E. V., Kuznetsov G. I. Vydayushchiesya khimiki mira : biograficheskiy spravochnik (World outstanding chemists : biographical reference book). Under the editorship of V. I. Kuznetsov. Moscow : Vysshaya shkola, 1991. 656 p.
5. Safonova N. M., Karetnikova N. F. Nikolay Semenovich Kurnakov (Nikolay S. Kurnakov). Moscow : Publishing House of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961. 105 p.
6. Solovev Yu. I. Nikolay Semenovich Kurnakov: 1860–1941 (Nikolay S. Kurnakov: 1860–1941). Moscow : Nauka, 1986. 272 p.
7. Morachevskiy A. G. Akademik Nikolay Semenovich Kurnakov i ego nauchnaya shkola (Academician Nikolay S. Kurnakov and his scientific school). Under the editorship of Yu. S. Vasilev. Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2010. 99 p.
8. Lebedev P. I. Akademik F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing kak teoretik petrografii (Academician F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing as a petrography theorist). Moscow — Leningrad : Publishing House of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1947. 115 p.
9. Kuznetsov S. S. Frants Yulevich Levinson-Lessing (Franz Yu. Levinson-Lessing). Leningrad : Publishing House of Leningrad University, 1969. 30 p.
10. Motorina L. A. Levinson-Lessing Frants Yulevich (Franz Yu. Levinson-Lessing). Sankt-Peterburgskiy Gosudarstvennyy Politekhnicheskiy Universitet v XX — nachale XXI veka. Istoricheskie ocherki o ego rukovoditelyakh (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University in XX — beginning of XXI century. Historical reviews about its heads). Under the editorship of N. P. Gerbyleva. Saint Petesburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2005. pp. 129–145; 429–430.
11. Baykov A. A. Sobranie trudov (Collection of proceedings). Moscow — Leningrad : Publishing House of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1952. Vol. 1. Articles and reports. 345 p.
12. Danilevskiy V. V. Russkaya tekhnika (Russian technics). Second edition, revised and enlarged. Leningrad : Leningrad Newspaper, Journal and Book Publishing House, 1948. 548 p.
13. Russkie uchenye-metallovedy. P. P. Anosov, N. V. Kalakutskiy, A. A. Rzheshotarskiy, N. I. Belyaev, A. L. Baboshin, M. G. Oknov. Zhizn, deyatelnost i izbrannye trudy (Russian scientists-metallographers. P. P. Anosov, N. V. Kalakutskiy, A. A. Rzheshotarskiy, N. I. Belyaev, A. L. Baboshin and M. G. Oknov. Life, work and selected proceedings). General editorship and introductory articles by D. M. Nakhimov and A. G Rakhshtadt. Moscow : Mashgiz, 1951. 504 p.

14. Fedorov A. S. Tvortsy nauki o metallakh (Creators of metalls' science). Moscow : Nauka, 1980. 218 p.
15. Monastyrskiy D. N. Biografiya A. A. Baykova (Biography of A. A. Baykov). Baykov A. A. Sobranie trudov. Tom 1. Stati, vystupleniya i rechi (Baykov A. A. Collection of proceedings. Volume 1. Articles and reports). Moscow — Leningrad : Publishing House of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1952. pp. 9–40.
16. Motorina L. A. Baykov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (Aleksandr A. Baykov). Sankt-Peterburgskiy Gosudarstvennyy Politekhnicheskiy Universitet v XX — nachale XXI veka. Istoricheskie ocherki o ego rukovoditelyakh (Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University in XX — beginning of XXI century. Historical reviews about its heads). Under the editorship of N. P. Gerbyleva. Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical University, 2005. pp. 187–203; 431–432.
17. Morachevskiy A. G. Akademik Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Baykov. Zhizn i deyatelnost (1870–1946) (Academician Aleksandr A. Baykov. Life and works (1870–1946)). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2010. 102 p.
18. Grigorev G. R. Akademik M. A. Pavlov. K pyatidesyatiletiyu inzhenernoy deyatelnosti (Academician M. A. Pavlov. To the 50-th anniversary of engineering activity). Under the editorship of M. E. Pilnik. Moscow — Leningrad : United Scientific and Technical Publishing House of People’s Commissariat of Trade and Industry of USSR. Chief Editorial Board of Ferrous Metallurgy Literature, 1935. 229 p.
19. Pavlov M. A. Vospominanie metallurga (Remembers of metallurgist). Moscow : Nauka, 1984. 423 p.
20. Motorina L. A. Pavlov Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1863–1958) (Mikhail A. Pavlov (1863–1958)). Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Politekhnicheskogo Universiteta — Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. 2001. No. 1. pp. 161–163.
21. Demidov A. I. Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Politekhnicheskogo Universiteta — Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal. 2013. Vol. 166, No. 1. pp. 321–330.
22. Biografi cheskiy slovar deyateley estestvoznaniya i tekhniki (Biographical dictionary of personalities in natural science and technics). Responsible editor: A. A. Zvorykin. Moscow : State Scientific Publishing House “Great Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1958. Vol. 1. 548 p.
23. Morachevskiy A. G. Professor Vladimir Efimovich Grum-Grzhimaylo. Zhizn i deyatelnost. 1864–1928 (Professor Vladimir E. Grum-Grzhimaylo. Life and works. 1864–1928). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2011. 89 p.
24. Figurovskiy N. A., Romankov Yu. I. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kistyakovskiy (Vladimir A. Kistyakovskiy). Moscow : Nauka, 1967. 136 p.
25. Morachevskiy A. G., Demidov A. I. Akademik Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kistyakovskiy (Academician Vladimir A. Kistyakovskiy). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical University, 2005. 168 p.
26. Morachevskiy A. G. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kistyakovskiy. Zhizn i deyatelnost (Vladimir A. Kistyakovskiy. Life and works). Under the editorship of Yu. S. Vasilev. Saint Petersburg: Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2011. 90 p.
27. Biografi cheskiy slovar deyateley estestvoznaniya i tekhniki (Biographic dictionary of personalities in natural science and technics). Responsible editor: A. A. Zvorykin. Moscow : State Scientific Publishing House “Great Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1959. Vol. 2. 467 p.
28. Baymakov Yu. V. P. P. Fedotev — k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya (To the 100-th anniversary of P. P. Fedotev). Elektrometallurgiya tsvetnykh metallov : Trudy Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta. No. 239 (Electrometallurgy of non-ferrous metals : Proceedings of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute. No. 239). Moscow : Metallurgiya, 1964. pp. 5–15.
29. Morachevskiy A. G. Professor Pavel Pavlovich Fedotev i ego nauchnaya shkola (Professor Pavel P. Fedotev and his scientifi c school). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical Institute, 2011. 89 p.
30. Morachevskiy A. G. Metallurgi i khimiki — vypuskniki Politekhnicheskogo Instituta, Sankt-Peterburg, Petrograd, Leningrad. 1907–1930 gody (Metallurgists and chemists — graduates of Polytechnical Institute, Saint Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad. 1907–1930). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical University, 2013. 190 p.
31. Konspekt uprazhneniy po metallurgii stali studentov VII semestra metallurgicheskogo otdeleniya Sankt-Peterburgskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta Imperatora Petra Velikogo (Steel metallurgy practice for students of the VII term of metallurgical department of Peter the Great Polytechnical Institute). Saint Petersburg : Welfare Commission for Students of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical Institute, 1911. 157 p.
32. Menshutkin B. N. Istoriya Sankt-Peterburgskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta (1899–1930) (History of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical Institute (1899–1930)). Editor-author of biographical references and notes: N. P. Shaplygin. Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical University, 2012. 508 p.
33. Programmy metallurgicheskogo fakulteta (Programs of metallurgical faculty). Under the editorship of M. P. Slavinskiy. Leningrad : Kalinin Polytechnical Institute, 1929. 174 p.
34. Karnaukhov Mikhail Mikhaylovich (Mikhail M. Karnaukhov). Archives of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University. Fund No. 15. List 55. File 288.
35. Smelov V. A. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Tridtsatye gody (Polytechnical Institute. 1930-s). Saint Petersburg : Publishing House of Polytechnical University, 2008.
36. Karnaukhov M. M. Metallurgiya stali (Metallurgy of steel). Petrograd : Scientific Chemical and Technological Publishing House, 1923–1929: Vol. I; 1923. Vol. II; 1925. Vol. II, Iss. 2; 1926. pp. 229–458, II, Iss. 3; 1929. pp. 461–602.
37. Pogodin S. A., Lepeshkov I. N. Izvestiya sektora fi ziko-khimicheskogo analiza — Proceedings of sector of physical-chemical analysis. 1954. Vol. 25. pp. 7–16.
38. Urazov G. G., Chernomorskiy M. L. Metallurgiya nikelya (Nickel metallurgy). Moscow — Leningrad : Association of State Book and Journal Publishing Houses. State Scientific-Technical Publishing House, 1931. 228 p.
39. Urazov G. G., Edelson L. R. Materialy po metallurgii tsvetnykh metallov (Materials on non-ferrous metals' metallurgy). Leningrad : Students Welfare Commision, 1932. Vol. IV. 468 p.
40. Fesechko P. F. Nikolay Timofeevich Gudtsov. Vstupitelnaya statya (Nikolay T. Gudtsov. Introductory article). Materialy k bibliographii uchenykh SSSR (Materials to the references of USSR scientists). Editor: A. P. Epifanova. Moscow : Publishing House of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1953. 44 p.
41. Gudtsov N. T. Stal, ee priroda i svoystva (Vvedenie v uchenie o svoystvakh stali) (Steel, its nature and properties (Introduction into studies of steel properties)). Leningrad : Students Welfare Commission, 1927. 68 p.
42. Oknov Mikhail Grigorevich (Mikhail G. Oknov). Archives of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University. Fund No. 15. List 45. File 3451.
43. Oknov M. G. Proizvodstvo metallov i ikh osnovnye svoystva (Production of metals and their basic properties). Leningrad : Scientific, Chemical and Technological Publishing House. Scientific-Technical Department of Supreme Council of National Economy, 1925. 182 p.
44. Oknov M. G. Toplivo i ego szhiganie (Fuel and its burning). Leningrad : Students Welfare Commision, 1925. 4. 194 p.
45. Tatarchenko D. M. Metallurgiya chuguna, zheleza i stali. V obshchedostupnom izlozhenii dlya rabochikh i masterov (Metallurgy of cast iron, iron and steel. Popular presentation for workers and specialists). Leningrad : Priboy, 1925. 313 p.
46. Hütte. Spravochnik po prokatke (Rolling reference book). Translated from German. Under the editorship of D. M. Tatarchenko. Leningrad : “Tekhnika i proizvodstvo”, 1929. 351 p.
47. Georgiy Antonovich Kashchenko (Nekrolog) (Georgiy A. Kashchenko (Obituary notice)). Metallovedenie: Trudy Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta. No. 218 (Metal science : Proceedings of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute. No. 218). Moscow — Leningrad : Mashgiz, 1962. pp. 3–4.
48. Kashchenko Georgiy Antonovich (Georgiy A. Kashchenko). Archives of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University. Fund No. 15. List 117. File No. 345.
49. Kashchenko G. A. Rukovodstvo k labora torii metallografii (Guidance to laboratory of metallography). Under the editorship of Professor A. A. Baykov. Leningrad : Students Welfare Commision, 1925. 80 p.
50. Pavlov Igor Mikhaylovich (Igor M. Pavlov). Archives of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University. Fund No. 15. List 45. File 3535.
51. Slavinskiy Mikhail Porfirevich (Mikhail P. Slavinskiy). Archives of Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University. Fund No. 15. List 45. File 4391.
52. Vinogradov P. P. Metallurg — Metallurgist. 1927. Vol. 5, No. 1. pp. 134– 1141.
53. Pavlov I. M. Nauchno-informatsionnyy byulleten Letno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta imeni M. M. Gromova — Scientifi c-information bulletin of Gromov Flight Research Institute. 1937. No. 10/11. pp. 47–52.
54. Pavlov M. A. Metallurg — Metallurgist. 1927. Vol. 7, No. 3. pp. 128–132.
55. Iz istorii Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta imeni M. I. Kalinina (History of Kalinin Polytechnical Institute). Responsible Editor: K. P. Seleznev. Leningrad : Laboratory of Polygraphic Machines of Kalinin Polytechnical Institute, 1975. 49 p.

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