Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2014 →  №11 →  Назад

Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS
Название Improvement of slag forming conditions in steel making at the Metallurgical plant named after A. K. Serov
Автор V. N. Nevidimov, V. A. Grebtsov, S. S. Semkov
Информация об авторе

Ural State Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia):

Nevidimov V. N., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof., e-mail: vnevidimov@yandex.ru


UMMC-Steel (Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia):

Grebtsov V. A., Head of Technical Dept.


Metallurgical plant named after A. K. Serov (Serov, Russia):

Semkov S. S., Chief Steelmaking Specialist of Technical Dept.


The objectives of this research are physical and chemical properties of slags of EAF furnace and ladle furnace. Viscosity of industrial slags has been studied. It has been shown that temperature dependence of industrial slags viscosity is similar to that of so-called “short” slags. The saturation concentration of calcium oxides and magnesium oxides in the slag as well as the composition of slag forming material which forces the process of slag formation and improves the physico-chemical properties of the slag for increasing the content of magnesium oxide have been determined. Industrial tests of slag-forming material were carried out. The melting of slag-forming material when it has been added to a ladle furnace (where steel was treated) has been observed. The fast lime absorption and formation of liquid and removable slag are provided by addition of slag-forming material. The lack of fl uorspar at steelmaking practice has not induced negative influence on slag forming process and viscosity of formed slag. Slag has stayed liquid and removable over a wide range of temperatures and time compared to the existing steelmaking practice. To achieve the desired high desulphurizing capacity of the slag, it is sufficient to apply the slag-forming material in a ladle furnace. The required correction of slag composition is proposed: decrease of CaO content by 4–6% (mass.) and increace of MgO content by 3–4% (mass). It will provide lowering of slag crystallization temperature interval and slag chemical impact on lining.

Ключевые слова Slags, ladle furnace, electric arc furnace, vacuum processing, viscosity, slag forming material, fl uorspar elimination, metal quality, desulphurizing
Библиографический список

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10. Novikov V. K., Nevidimov V. N., Toporishchev G. A. Sravnenie modeley shlakovykh rasplavov na primere rascheta aktivnosti oksidov v mnogokomponentnoy alyumosilikatnoy sisteme (Comparison of models of slag melts on example of calculation of oxides’ activity in multicomponent aluminium-silicate system). Rasplavy = Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 1991. No. 1. pp. 3–9.

Language of full-text русский
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