Iron and Steelmaking | |
ArticleName | Effectife metal separation from slags via dry concentration in melting of high quality steel |
ArticleAuthor | R. Buschfeld, D. Guldan |
ArticleAuthorData | ThyssenKrupp MillServices & Systems GmbH (Oberhausen, Germany): Buschfeld R., Strategic Development
BHS-Sonthofen GmbH (Sonthofen, Germany): Guldan D., Head of Project, Comminution & Recycling, e-mail: |
Abstract | Slag forming during melting of high quality steel in the electric arc furnace contains some valuable substances that can be returned in the melt or can be used rationally in any other way. The company Outokumpu Nirosta has used at its Krefeld works the slag processing unit made by ThyssenKrupp MillServices & Systems GmbH; experience of its operation has proved that dry slag concentration is substantially more efficient and ecologically acceptable technology in comparison with wet concentration. The core of this industrial technology is slag comminution in shock-and-reverberation machines. Commercial application of dry slag processing with usage of shockand-reverberation comminution technology (developed by BHS company) has showed that very high metal amount can be extracted from slag in efficient mode, while remaining slag with high part of cubicshaped particles can be used as dry building material. Therefore, we can talk about resource-saving method of slag processing that need neither water preparation, nor slime storage in dump heaps. It is displayed that comminution via shock-and-reverberation technology with magnetization of high quality steel had positive estimations in commercial production. It can be concluded that BHS-Sonthofen company has developed the new efficient method for the new, modernizing and upgrading slag processing units. This method is based on magnetization of metallic component in the technological chain “rotating shredder — rotating centrifugal crusher — rotating shockand-reverberation mill”. |
keywords | Slag processing, high quality steels, melting, dry concentration, slag comminution shock-and-reverberation technology, magnetization |
Language of full-text | russian |
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