Название |
Innovation-based processes of integrated and high-level processing
of natural and technogenic minerals |
Реферат |
The state-of-the-art of mineral mining and metallurgy industry in Russia is characterized by high demand of nonferrous, rare and rare earth metals and highgrade coal, on the one hand, and by involvement of natural and technogenic minerals with low content of valuable components, fine (nearly emulsion) dissemination of valuable components and close physicochemical and process properties. This calls for high-productive and ecology-friendly technologies for more efficient mineral beneficiation based on intensification of operating and new methods to extract valuable components from rebellious ore and technogenic minerals, relying on the last achievements of basic sciences, combination of dressing and chemico-metallurgical processes and using advanced pyro- and hydrometallurgical technologies. The transition to a new strategy of processing is only possible based on the new technological–mineralogical appraisal of a mineral raw material. Actually, the process mineralogy has a stock of modern high-resolution physical methods for analyzing composition, structure and properties of geomaterials, inclusive of micro- and nano-levels: - Identification of micro- and nano-size noble metals, and natural and induced formations on mineral surface; - Experimental validation of structural phase and chemical transformation of minerals under different energy input; - Justification of choice and mechanism of interaction between flotation agents and noble metals with complex material constitution; - Analysis of structural, phase and chemical transformations of sulfides and rocks under leaching. Thus, process mineralogy is an informational background for a unified theoretical approach to scientific justification of flowsheets of efficient mineral processing. The article gives a brief review of practices that have found application and proved to be of high economic efficiency. Such practices are: X-ray radiometry and photometry separation (Uchalinsky and Gaisky Mining and Processing Integrated Works of ALROSA); selective disintegration (equipment engineered by Mekhanobr-Tekhnika and IPKON RAS); process selectivity enhancement (IPKON RAS, Central Research Institute for Geological Exploration of Nonferrous and Noble Metals, Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch RAS, etc.); bacterial gold leaching (Olimpiada MPIW, technologies developed the Central Research Institute for Geological Exploration of Nonferrous and Noble Metals, Nezhdaninsky deposit projects, etc.); combination processing at a mining and metallurgy plant (Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Company, Yaregsky deposit projects and others); processing of waste: overburden, mill tailings, slag, etc. (Kovdorsky MPIW, Svyatogor JSC, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, plants designed by the Central Research Institute for Geological Exploration of Nonferrous and Noble Metals, Mining Institute of Kola Science Center RAS, Research Institute for Chemical Technologies); water conditioning in mineral dressing circuits (ALROSA, equipment by IPKON, etc.); utilization of process water (ALROSA, Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Severalmaz JSC and others). Thus, Russia this time has the academic and engineering background for development of efficient energy-saving technologies for comprehensive advanced processing in accordance with the world’s standards, or even higher in terms of a number of the technologies, which has continually been highlighted by participants of recent international congresses on mineral processing. Full implementation of the technologies in mines and at processing plants in Russia will allow enhancement of metal recovery by 10–15%, worldwide competitive high-quality production, reduced energy consumption, 2–3 times higher labor efficiency, processing of low-grade ore and mining waste, compensation of shortage of some metals (manganese, rare metals, rare earth metals) as well as dramatic improvement of ecological situation in mining regions.
This work was carried out with the financial support of the Grant of the President of Russian Federation NSh-748.2014.5 (НШ-748.2014.5) of V. A. Chanturiya leading scientific school. |
Библиографический список |
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