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ArticleName Increase in recoverable value of Russian manganese ore by utilization in fuel-and-energy industry and nano industry
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.11.01
ArticleAuthor Yushina T. I., Krylov I. O., Dunaeva V. N., Didovich L. Ya.

Mining College, MISIS, Moscow, Russia:
T. I. Yushina, Acting Head of a Department, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
I. O. Krylov, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:
L. Ya. Didovich, Engineer
V. N. Dunaeva, Postgraduate Student


The basic amount of the reserves and resources of manganese ore in the Russian Federation is concentrated in Siberia, mainly, in the Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk Regions. The disadvantage of Russia’s resource base of manganese is the predominance of lowgrade rebellious carbonate ores. The manganese content of ore in all deposits in Russia is low and makes 20.14%. Russia’s need for manganese exceeds 1 Mt a year but Russia operates not a field on an industrial scale in spite of the constant attempts to have the own sources of manganese for the steel industry. Russia’s demand for manganese ores is met at the expense of import from other countries. Imported concentrate makes liberal share of 56.2% in the total import and the import of fine concentrate is 0.5%. It is necessary to control the development of manganese deposits due to the lack of new beneficiation technologies that allow for economically feasible extraction and processing of ore in accordance with the requirements of consumers of quality concentrates. For 10 years the All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Mineral Resources, Russian Thermal Engineering Institute and the National University of Science and Technology MIS&S (abbreviation of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys) have been carrying out experimental work that shows that manganese ore (untreated) can have independent industrial application in heat power engineering and in production of carbon nanotubes. We studied the sorption properties of manganese and iron ore deposits and occurrences such as Nikolaev, Porozhinskoe, Askizsky, Vandanskoe, Polar. All of the tested ore kinds have the capacity to absorb hydrogen sulfide from gas stream at high temperature (500 °C). It has been found that the pyrolysis products are CNTs and CNFs and hydrogen, which increases the calorific value of gas. The products are significantly more expensive feedstock, which ultimately gives high economic indicators of mining and processing plants in the overall production. The process of obtaining carbon structures from gases containing CO and CH4 with the use of cheap natural catalyst may be a target process to be integrated into production of a variety of chemical products such as production of liquid fuels (LMC) or utilization of waste gases of metallurgical enterprises. This process will not only offer valuable nanocarbons but will also improve energy efficiency and environmentally friendly production.
The study was performed in the framework of the fundamental, applied and experimental research, item No. 816 of Order No. 2014/113.
The authors express their gratitude to A. N. Epikhin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Head of Laboratory for Sulfur Removal from Gases, All-Russia Thermal Engineering Institute, for the granted material.

keywords Manganese (ferriferous manganese) ore, hydrogen sulfide, sorbents, generator gas, hydrocarbon nano materials

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Language of full-text russian
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