Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2015 →  №12 →  Назад

Название Economic and mathematical modeling of underground mining of grouped mineral deposits
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.12.08
Автор Kalmykov V. N., Gogotin A. A., Ivashov A. N.
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Moscow State Technical University:

V. N. Kalmykov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, prmpi@magtu.ru
A. A. Gogotin, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. N. Ivashov, Postgraduate student


Clustering is typical of most copper-pyrite deposits in the Ural: the deposits occur in groups (3–8 deposits) within a radius of 10 to 30 km. The deposits have as a rule heavy dip and differ in thickness, occurrence and useful mineral content of ore bodies. All deposits are mineable with underground method, by separate mines incorporated under a mining-and-processing integrated works with a common processing plant. Some deposits are under mining, others are kept on standby, and some ore bodies are yet assumed as sub-economic. A scientific-and-technical problem arises on the sequence of ore deposits to be put under mining by the mining-and-processing integrated works, and on the production output of each separate mine. In the given study, this problem is solved by mathematical modeling of mining a group of deposits in different sequences. The modeling covered the following flow sheets of introduction of grouped deposits into operation: successive introduction (all deposits in the group are introduced into operation one by one); successive–parallel introduction (by subgroups of 2–3 deposits); parallel introduction (simultaneous mining at all deposits in the group). The modeling objects were accepted as 6 deposits with similar ground conditions as at the Ural copper–pyrite deposits. The solution optimality criteria were assumed the net present value and profitability index. The modeling has shown that the successive and parallel introduction of deposits into operation is inexpedient. The former flow sheet is unsuitable as raw material resources base of the mining-and-processing integrated works is used ineffectively due to essential difference in volume and quality of ore reserves at different deposits; the latter flow sheet features high initial (capital) cost. In the successive–parallel flow sheet, it is wise to introduce a subgroup of deposits in operation one-by-one, which will allow reduction in capital cost and enable construction of next mines out of the realized profit.

Ключевые слова Ural, copper–pyrite deposit groups, underground mining method, mine, mining sequence, mining-and-processing integrated works, production capacity
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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