Журналы →  Eurasian Mining →  2015 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Ventilation of blind roadways in coal mines: problems and solutions
DOI 10.17580/em.2015.02.07
Автор Kaledina N. O., Kobylkin S. S.
Информация об авторе

Mining Inctitute of National University of Science and Technology — MISIS:

N. O. Kaledina, Mining Engineer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of Department of Mine Aerology, Safety and Rescue, nok52@mail.ru

College of Mining, National University of Science and Technology — MISIS:

S. S. Kobylkin, Mining Engineer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Doctoral Student, Assistant Professor of the Department of Mine Aerology, Safety and Rescue, College of Mining, sergey@kobylkin.ru


High performance production faces should be provided and high speed of penetration of preparatory workings. In the conditions of gassy coal mines high penetration rate leads to increased emission of methane and the formation of explosive coal dust, which increases the risk of explosions. Thus according to current design standards in Russia in gassy mines only recommended blowing method of ventilation in blind workings. But currently the cost of air supplied to the blind workings, are very large, and the velocity distribution of air flow in the cross-section is very uneven, which may facilitate the formation of local accumulations of gas. High speed of air movement leads to the growth of its dust. When the suction ventilation method, stagnation zones occur in the work area of the cutting body of the cutter-loaders, that does not allow intensively to remove the methane and dust from the face. The advantage of the suction method is that working along the entire length is ventilated with clean air. The combined ventilation method is difficult to control and almost never used in Russian coal mines. Thus, none of these methods provides reliable ventilation stub generation. To select the optimal method and mode of ventilation of mine workings in their conduct of the Department “Aerology, process safety and mine rescue” of the Mining Institute NUST “MISIS” designed threedimensional model of the movement of air in the workings that are proposed to use for designing ventilation systems. Based on the modeling you can to determine the optimum method of ventilation and the ventilation mode for ensuring safety during high speed driving mine workings in accordance with specified conditions of mining operations.

The study was carried out with financial support from the federal budget for scientific research (fundamental research, applied research and experimental developments) No. 36 in the framework of the government task No. 2014/113 in the field of science.

Ключевые слова Ventilation, blind roadway, coal mine, methane, dust
Библиографический список

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