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Control methods of sylvinite ore solution process on plants using natural salts |
Abstract |
The article highlights some of the ways to manage the process of dissolution of sylvinite ores at halurgical (hot leaching) factories. The object of the dissolution stage is to obtain the solution with high KCl saturation while maximizing KCl leaching from sylvinite ores. This requires that the amount of KCl, introduced into the process from sylvinite ores was equivalent by capacitance to the dissolving liquor for KCl subject to the temperature regime at the stage of dissolution. This problem is solved by controlling the ratio of ore: dissolving liquor. The article summarizes the current methods to manage the process of dissolution of sylvinite ores: the first - the traditional on the density of average liquor produced in the second solvent, and entering the first solvent, the second is used mainly at present, based on the stabilization of the potassium chloride consumption, entering the process depending on the composition of the ore. There are shortly stated the ways to control the use of mathematical models: a stochastic received by statistical processing of the actual parameters of the process of dissolution by the method of experimental design and analysis, built on probabilistic mathematical equations that describe the diagram of solubility of KCl-NaCl-H2O in the presence of MgCl2 and mass balance equations. Five most important technological parameters influencing the dissolution process in terms of process control were chosen when building a stochastic model. Analytical model most closely reflects the dissolution process. As it is based on the equation, obtained by approximation of the experimental data on the solubility in water-salt system, forming in the production conditions. In the work are reported some process management methods of sylvinite ore dissolution at hot leaching factories. The task of the dissolution stage is the solution obtainment with high saturation degree on KCl with simultaneous maximum hot leaching KCl from sylvinite ore. It is necessary, that the amount of KCl entered into process with the sylvinite ore be equivalent to the dissolutioning leach (shchelok) capacity for KCl with consideration for the temperature regime of the dissolution stage. This task is solved by management of the ore : liquor (shchelok) ratio. There are stated and analysed the following optimal management methods of the dissolution process: the management system of potassium chloride mass fraction in the “average” leach (shchelok), the management system by mass stabilization of potassium chloride entering in the process with ore and also management systems based on the mathematical models usage: the stochastic model, obtained by statistical processing of actual parameters of technological dissolution process by the experiment planning method and analytical model, set up on probabilistic mathematical equations, which are described dissolution diagram KCl-NaCl-H2O in the presence of MgCl2. |
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