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ArticleName Mined-out areas: Approaches to multipurpose use in complete integrated cycle of hard mineral mining
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.05.02
ArticleAuthor Kaplunov D. R., Radchenko D. N.

Institute of Integrated Mineral Development — IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:
D. R. Kaplunov, Chief Researcher, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
D. N. Radchenko, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,


Voids formed through mineral mining are the essential georsource to be used efficiently based on wellfounded approaches. Mined-out areas of open pit and underground mines are used extensively, although, only for burial and storage of waste. Hybrid mining based on an integrated development approach offers manifold possibilities for utilizing mined-out areas. Modeling of combinations of geotechnologies as mining undergoes expanding has identified various functional areas for mined-out voids at different stages of complete integrated mining cycle. The shape of future mined-out voids, their support design and life period should be determined with regard to implementation of the consequent technological processes. Planning of a complete integrated cycle in hard mineral mining requires the modified approaches to using mined-out areas in conformity with the list of physico-technical and physicochemical technologies in operation. Depending on the structure of the complete cycle, mined-out voids should functionate both during and after mining. Waste disposal should only be considered the final stage of mined-out area utilization. The classification of the mining systems presented in the article enables determining scenarios and sequences of multipurpose use of mined-out voids at various stages of mineral mining. In other words, the complete integrated mining cycle design requires finding solutions to ensure operation of mined-out voids as actual rather than potential underground resource. When planning proposed mining systems, it is necessary to determine methods to maintain mined-out voids and to develop a relevant package plan, including gas-, hydro- and geomechanical control; maintenance of size and geometry of mined-out voids for the entire operation cycle until its final stage of waste disposal; creation of conditions for sequential transition between functions of mined-out voids in the course of mining.
This study has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Grant No. 15-05-07771-а).

keywords Mined-out areas, formation, use trends, preservation, operation, specifi cation, technological processes, natural processes, dynamics of change

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