Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2016 →  №6 →  Назад

Название Method of concealed informative marking of industrial explosives
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.06.07
Автор Bragin P. A., Kutuzov B. N., Overchenko M. N., Pustovalov I. A.
Информация об авторе

Global Mining Explosive–Russia, Moscow, Russia:
P. А. Bragin, Chief Specialist


Eurasian Register of Explosive Materials, Moscow, Russia:
B. N. Kutuzov, President, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, b.n.kutuzov@gmail.com

Orica CIS, Moscow, Russia:
M. N. Overchenko, Chief Executive Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Examination and Certification Center for Explosive Materials, Almaty, Kazakhstan:
I. A. Pustovalov, Director


A review is given of the known methods of concealed marking of explosives. A new method is described for concealed informative marking of industrial explosives by adding special agents (markers, which can be detected by special analysis methods in the explosive itself or its residues at the blasting site). Information content of marking is achieved by means of information encoding with the use of combinatory codes, which is determined by the combination of marking agents. The concealed nature of marking is maintained by using the marking agents in super low amounts detectable only by means of special physical-chemical analysis methods. The study contains description of spectrophotometric characteristics of some marking agents and threshold concentrations for their identification by spectrophotometer PE-5400UF. The results are given of reading of the marking introduced into a granulated water-emulsion explosive by the proposed method. A methodology is given for identification of marking agents in samples of marked explosives by spectrophotometric method. It was shown that besides the concealed nature, the proposed method of marking of explosives has manifold opportunities for encryption of the data contained in the marking. At that, it is possible to simultaneously implement numerous known methods for encoding all the textual and digital information that must be specified in the marking.
Authors appreciate to candidate of technical sciences Maslov I. Y. for systematic support of organization and executing the research and to candidate of technical sciences Gorin S. A. for valuable advices during discussing of experiment results.

Ключевые слова Industrial explosives, informative marking, concealed chemical marking, marking agents, markers, spectrophotometry, informative block
Библиографический список

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