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ArticleName Iron concentrate production with the increased content of useful component
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2017.05.05
ArticleAuthor Nemykin S. A., Kopanev S. N., Mezentseva E. V., Okunev S. M.

Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant, Gubkin, Russia:

S. A. Nemykin, Head of Concentrating Mill
S. N. Kopanev, Chief Engineer
E. V. Mezentseva, Head of Engineering Department of Concentrating Mill,
S. M. Okunev, Chief Dresser of Plant


Considering the prevailing business environment, the mining and metallurgical industry becomes increasingly interested in manufacture of iron ore products of elevated demand and at reduced cost. Lebedinsky MPP is the largest producer of the marketable hot-briquetted sponge iron. The feedstock in this case are fluxed pellets manufactured from re-enriched concentrate with the mass fraction of total iron higher than 69.5%. The article presents the test data on fine screens of Derrick manufacture in production of concentrate with the mass fraction of iron less than 69.5% (ordinary concentrate). The tests revealed the necessity to reconstruct one of the shops of the concentrated mill within Lebedinsky MPP, which included construction of an additional process section and modification of the process flow chart. The introduction of the modified flow chart of concentrate re-enrichment using fine screening has allowed considerable improvement of the quality indices of the finished product at reduced cost.

keywords Concentrating mill, iron ore concentrate, iron mass fraction, fine screening, silicon dioxide

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Full content Iron concentrate production with the increased content of useful component