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ArticleName Contribution of the Institute of Geology, DSC RAS, to the research and expansion of the mineral and raw materials supply in Dagestan
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2017.07.05
ArticleAuthor Cherkashin V. I.

Institute of Geology, Dagestan Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia:

V. I. Cherkashin, Director, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences,


The Republic of Dagestan belongs in the Russia’s regions that possess sufficient reserves of minerals and raw materials. Long-term geological exploration revealed deposits of fuel-and-power reserves, nonferrous, precious and rare earth metals, nonmetals, and groundwater; the best part of the minerals are of practical significance for the industry and are now under development. The subsoil exploration is continued by the Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the city of Makhachkala. The Institute was established in 1956. The key objective of the Institute is the basic and applied research in the area of geosciences related with: environmental protection, regional tectonics, earthquakes and seismic tectonics, regional mineralogy, geomorphology of the terrain, geology of metal and nonmetal minerals, geology of oil and gas reservoirs, groundwater resources, regional hydrogeology, and engineering geology of natural processes. The academic institution was established in Dagestan in order to study fuel-and-power and mineral reserves of the region. A single academic institute on geology in the Northern Caucasus, it integrates the features of a territorial scientific body and carries out basic research intrinsic for the modern stage of advancement in the field of the geosciences. For the period of operation, the Institute has appreciably contributed to the research and expansion of mineral supply of Dagestan: new reservoirs of oil and gas are explored, new approaches to exploration of minerals and groundwater are developed. The Institute has set even bigger tasks to be reached in the nearest future.

keywords Republic of Dagestan, Institute of Geology, mineral resources, geological studies, geoecology

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