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ArticleName Prediction of possible tectonic disturbance zones using rock mass strength characteristics in Micromine
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2017.07.17
ArticleAuthor Vasilieva M. A., Katkov S. M.

Raspadskaya Coal Company, Mezhdurechensk, Russia:

M. A. Vasilieva, District Geologist,


Micromine RUS, Moscow, Russia:
S. M. Katkov, Consulting Geologist, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences


Identifying zones of possible tectonic disturbance using the strength characteristics of roof rocks is an innovative idea for the pre-detection of faults. The untimely identification of faults leads to the lower production rates and economic costs. The zones of tectonic disturbance are areas of discontinuity in roof rocks with the presence of fractured and weakened side rocks with low strength. At the stage of exploration, faulting is revealed by drilling and geophysical methods. As a rule, operational exploration displays such dislocations more often. When an unpredicted fault is detected, it is required to meet safety requirements as: stoppage of heading, updating of flow chart of face operations, preparation of relevant materials and equipment. Failure to comply with these standards can lead to roof rock collapse, rock bursts, coal (rock) and gas outbursts, increased watering of dislocators (areas of broken rocks) running across the flooded mine workings. On the contrary, requirements that ensure safety and security of mining operations are aimed at preventing accidents and incidents in the coal mining industry. Thus, identification of zones of probable tectonic disturbance in order to avoid such situations is a very important task for the mining industry. Prediction of hazardous faulting zones can be substantially simplifi ed through 3D modeling. Using the printed data on strength characteristics of the immediate roof rocks, a data base for MICROMINE software was prepared for the interpolation of the zones of faults. Based on the findings on possible tectonic disturbance, geological sections and mining operations between them were analyzed. No information on discontinuity of the coal bed or on plicative dislocation was revealed. Prediction and detection of roof rock zones of lower strength in Micromine can simplify both the geological monitoring and preparatory works in a mine.

keywords Tectonic disturbance zone, 3D modeling, rock strength characteristics, mining operations

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