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Горный институт УрО РАН – филиал ФГБУН Пермского федерального исследовательского центра УрО РАН, Пермь, Россия:
Лепихин А. П., заведующий лабораторией, проф., д-р геогр. наук, lepihin49@mail.ru Богомолов А. В., научный сотрудник, канд. техн. наук |
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1. Kazakova N. A., Gendon A. L., Khlevnaya E. A. Development potential of Russian mining-and-chemical holdings. Gornyi Zhurnal. 2016. No. 7. pp. 89–91. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2016.07.19 2. Ilinova A. A., Cherepovitsyn A. E., Larichkin F. D. Branch peculiarities of framing competitive strategies in the mining chemical industry. Vserossiiskii ekonomicheskii zhurnal EKO. 2014. No. 1. pp. 121–135. 3. Churov V. A., Shemet S. F., Shutin S. G. Environment-oriented methods while placing the potash production wastes. Gornyi Zhurnal. 2010. No. 8. pp. 86–88. 4. Lepikhin A. P., Lyubimova T. P., Parshakova Ya. N., Tiunov A. A. Discharge of excess brine into water bodies at potash industry works. Journal of Mining Science. 2012. Vol. 48, No. 2. pp. 390–397. 5. Lyubimova T. P., Lepikhin A. P., Parshakova Ya. N., Tsiberkin K. B. Numerical modeling of liquid waste infiltration from storage facilities into surrounding and surface water bodies. Computational Continuum Mechanics. 2015. Vol. 8, No. 3. pp. 310–318. 6. Lubkowski K. Environmental impact of fertilizer use and slow release of mineral nutrients as a response to this challenge. Polish Journal of Chemical Technology. 2016. Vol. 18, Iss. 1. pp. 72–79. 7. Cañedo-Argüelles M., Brucet S., Carrasco S., Flor-Arnau N., Ordeix M., Ponsá S., Coring E. Effects of potash mining on river ecosystems: An experimental study. Environmental Pollution. 2017. Vol. 224. pp. 759–770. 8. Giern S., Glienke J. Der Sevilla-Prozess – Untertageverwertung ist beste verfügbare Technik. Kali und Steinsalz. 2014. Heft 1. ss. 6–11. 9. Yin H., Zhu J. In situ remediation of metal contaminated lake sediment using naturally occurring, calcium-rich clay mineral-based low-cost amendment. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016. Vol. 285. pp. 112–120. 10. Malinovskaya E. A. JSC “Belaruskali” negative effect on environment. Safety of activities for Russian enterprises in industrially developed regions: XI International scientific and practical conference proceedings. Kemerovo : KuzGTU, 2015. pp. 45–52. 11. Borzakovsky B. A., Rusakov M. I. Technology of slurry placement in geotubes in underground excavations. Gornyi Zhurnal. 2015. No. 3. pp. 91–94. DOI: 10.17580/gzh.2015.03.15 12. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/902083726 (accessed: 19.04.2018) 13. Lepikhin A. P., Voznyak A. A., Tiunov A. A., Bogomolov A. V. On the Issue of Correction of Calculation Methods and Initial Hydrological and Hydro/chemical Information Input in the Process of Regulation of the Technogenic Impacts on Water Bodies. Water Sector of Russia: Problems, Technologies, Management. 2017. No. 1. pp. 58–77. 14. Grankin Yu. Ya., Tumlert V. A., Tumlert E. V., Gritsenko N. V. Brine utilization at desalination of saltwater getting industrial salt and fertilizers. Science and World. 2015. Vol. 1, No. 8(24). pp. 32–36. 15. Guidelines on design and location of dispersive waste water discharge. Moscow : Stroyizdat, 1981. 224 p. |