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ArticleName Recovery of worn-out picks in rock breaking
DOI 10.17580/em.2018.01.06
ArticleAuthor Prokopenko S. A., Vorobiev A. V.

Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia:

Prokopenko S. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Vorobiev A. V., Associate Professor


Mining is the most resource-intensive industry in the world. One of the critical and expensive resources is a rock-breaking tool. Widely used tangential-rotary pick, although advantageous, are expendable. A tool with a worn body (often insignificantly) is discarded. Such rejects are never reclamated. This article authors propose to sort available rejects and select picks with heads worn-out not more than by 50% of initial length. Such picks are suitable for equipment with replaceable cutting noses to be further used in rock breaking. Aside from low cost, the recovered picks become nonexpendable. By computer modeling, the optimal values of diameter and length of the nose shank, which ensure the highest strength characteristics of the picks in operation, are determined. Based on the obtained results, reconditioned picks fitted with noses with the optimal parameters were manufactured. The picks were tested on roadheader KSP-35 in a mine in 2014. Two picks were installed in the second row of the crown-type cutting head. The noses were replaced at wear limit. All in all, 18 noses were tested. The wear and tear process was uniform, no failures were observed. The life of the noses reached 3–4 weeks, which corresponded to heading for a length of 60–90 m. The calculations show that recovery and multiple use of worn picks cut the requirement of mines for purchasing new picks by an order of magnitude. Manufacture of 9 replaceable noses needs 1935 g of metal, which replaces 9 regular picks with a gross weight of 9600 g. Waste level of coal mining with respect to cutting machine picks lowers 5 times. Purchase cost of new picks is cut by 1.5–1.7 times.

The studies have been implemented in the framework of the competitive capacity upgrading program of the Tomsk Polytechnic University.

keywords Mine, pick, wear, rejects, recovery, replaceable nose, design, resource efficiency

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Full content Recovery of worn-out picks in rock breaking