Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2018 →  №11 →  Назад

Continuous casting
Название Methods for evaluating the secondary oxidation of the steel in CCM tundish. Part 2. Thermodynamical calculations
Автор D. V. Morov, S. A. Botnikov, V. N. Lavrov
Информация об авторе

Vyksa Steel Works (Vyksa, Russia):

D. V. Morov, Head of the Casting and Rolling Complex
S. A. Botnikov, Technologist of Steelmaking Production, e-mail: botnikov_sa@vsw.ru
V. N. Lavrov, Head Specialist of the Dept. of Metallurgical Processes and Technologies of the Scientific-Technical Center


One of the main source of steel contamination with oxide nonmetallic inclusions is secondary oxidation as it moves from ladle to mould on CCM. In the second part of article thermodynamic calculations oxygen supply through slag to the metal are presented, and influence rate of secondary oxidation from air, refractories are estimated. The influence of the composition of the materials used in casting on the purity of steel due to defects related to non-metallic inclusions is considered. Also thermodynamic calculations of changes in the composition of the slag in the tundish are presented, depending on the casting conditions — with and without cut-off of the ladle slag. It is shown that the calculated data quite accurately correlate with the practice of continuous casting in the Casting and rolling complex, Vyksa.

Ключевые слова Metal, aluminium dexodizing, steel purity, secondary metal oxidation, thin slab continuous casting, lining, thermodynamical calculations, oxygen, evaluation methods
Библиографический список

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