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ArticleName Occupational health and safety digitalization in the coal industry
DOI 10.17580/em.2019.02.15
ArticleAuthor Savon D. Yu., Aleksakhin A. V., Skryabin O. O., Goodilin A. A.

National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow, Russia:

Savon D. Yu., Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Aleksakhin A. V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Skryabin O. O., Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Goodilin A. A., Senior Lecturer


The article discusses problems of occupational health and safety in coal mines. These problems draw great concern both of the government represented by control and supervision agencies and the owners and management of coal mining companies which realize responsibility of business for safety and comfort of miners at work. Any accident inflicts a heavy economic loss to a mine or a business; moreover, it causes irreparable social damage connected with injuries, hurt to health or mortality. The authors believe the hazardous impact of industrial factors on production performance is much higher in mining than in the other industries for the reason that a mineral deposit is concurrently an object of economic activity and a factor of risk. Therefore, mines are assumed as the hazardous production facilities with high probability of emergency. The occupational health and safety control is specific for its functioning indirectly governs efficiency in a number of business activities of a company: production, commerce, economy, social sphere and ecology. The article reviews operation of one of the leading coal mining companies proposing and introducing advanced digital solutions in occupational health and safety. Mining industry raises high safety standards and, thus, uses many innovations, for example, mobile positioning and control of employees in case of emergency, introduction of the United Automated Control Center information and analysis system, etc. Currently, it is undertaken to change ERP system from SAP NANA Platform to SAP Cloud Platform, which will expand the performance range of the system in all structures of the company.

keywords Digitalization, coal industry, labor protection, occupational health and safety, injuries

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Full content Occupational health and safety digitalization in the coal industry