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ArticleName Effect of process solution saturation with oxygen on uranium in-situ leaching performance
DOI 10.17580/em.2022.02.12
ArticleAuthor Toktaruly B., Bayeshov A., Aben Y., Suleimenov Sh. K.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan:

Toktaruly B., Candidate for a Doctor’s Degree,
Aben Y., Assistant, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Suleimenov Sh. K., Student

Sokolskiy Institute of Fuel, Catalisys and Electrochemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan:

Bayeshov A., Doctor of Chemical Sciences


One of the effective methods of mining low-grade uranium deposits is the in-situ leaching technology. On the other hand, in difficult geological conditions, this technology fails to provide the desired effect and increases duration of mining, which, eventually, evaluates production costs. Feasibility of increasing uranium content in pregnant solution and reducing production period is governed by ferric iron concentration in process solution. For increasing the ferric iron concentration and, thus, the content of uranium in pregnant solution in uranium in-situ leaching, it is proposed to saturate the leach solution with atmospheric oxygen using the Venturi tube. The lab-scale tests of core materials for determining dependence of the uranium content in the pregnant solution on the oxygen concentration in the leach solution prove the advantages of the proposed technology of uranium in-situ leaching. According to many researchers, the uranium recovery in the pregnant solution in in-situ leaching depends on the degree of saturation of the leaching solutions with oxygen capable to oxidize ferrous iron (Fe2) to ferric iron (Fe3) and, thereby, to stimulate oxidizability of the leaching environment. The objective of the studies was to determine parameters of saturation of process solutions with oxygen.

The authors express their sincere gratitude to Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Mining Department at the Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University and Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Kh. A. Yusupov for the auspices and fruitful advice in the course of this research.

keywords Deposit, geotechnology, mining, block, in-situ leaching, oxygen, air, uranium, leaching solution

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Full content Effect of process solution saturation with oxygen on uranium in-situ leaching performance