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Название Ore processing industry in the Kolyvan Province in Altai in the second half of the 18 and first third of the 19 centuries
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.01.08
Автор Vedernikov V. V.
Информация об авторе

Saint-Petersburg Mining University (St. Petersburg, Russia):

Vedernikov V. V., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, vedernikov_vv@pers.spmi.ru


This article presents the results of a generalizing study of the history of ore processing at the Kolyvan-Voskresensk plants in Altai in the second half of the 18 century, based on archival materials. It outlines the main development stages of the ore processing industry and describes the processing equipment and devices, processing technologies and workforce selection methods applied by the ore processing enterprises. The early stage in the history of the Kolyvan ore processing industry is tied with the work of the Saxon specialist Georg Eisfelt. The second stage is associated with the activities of the Russian mining, hydraulic, and mechanical engineer and inventor Kozma Dmitrievich Frolov. This period is actively covered in Soviet historiography and materials on ore processing technology and mechanization. This article, however, focuses on an economic assessment of the industrial activities of K. D. Frolov at the four processing plants. The third stage (starting from 1788) was marked by the processing of the rock mass from the backfills of the Zmeinogorsk mine following the example of mines in Lower Hungary. This period is associated with the work in Zmeinogorsk of Pyotr Fyodorovich Ilman, a graduate of the Mining School (currently the St. Petersburg Mining University) of the first class of graduates and the first teacher from among the graduates. The close interconnection between the theory and practice of mining is therefore clearly visible as early as at the initial stage of the history of this oldest mining university in Russia.

Ключевые слова Mining School, Zmeinogorsk mine, P. F. Ilman, Kolyvan-Voskresensk plants, K. D. Frolov
Библиографический список

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