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ArticleName Numerical modeling in ground penetrating radar-based assessment of concrete lining and space behind it
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.06.04
ArticleAuthor Marusyuk V. P., Shilenko S. Yu., Kibroev I. S., Khanina I. A.

NorNickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:

V. P. Marusyuk, Chief Geotechnical Engineer—Director of Center for Geodynamic Safety, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
S. Yu. Shilenko, Deputy Director of Occupational Safety and Health
I. S. Kibroev, Hydrogeologist,
I. A. Khanina, Surveyor


The article focuses on the theoretical framework of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method and its application in the ground penetrating radar-based research. FDTD is advantageous in investigation of electromagnetic wave propagation by ground penetrating radar over the other methods of numerical modeling. The authors performed numerical modeling of nonuniformities in concrete lining and in the space behind it using ground penetrating radar at frequencies of 400 MHz and 900 MHz. The described schemes of modeling were used to determine the causes of simple multiple and peg-leg multiple reflections in terms of real-life field data, and to arrive to a better and unambiguous interpretation. The modeling results show that the field data agree best of all with the concrete–water layer–rock scheme of modeling. It is demonstrated that even simple modeling schemes can provide rather detailed interpretations applicable in the real-life data analysis. The synthetic and field radargrams are compared, and a more unambiguous interpretation of real-life data is given on this basis. Mathematical modeling is an important tool in ground penetrating radar; it enables: assessment of the instrumentation capabilities; selection of an appropriate procedure; proper field testing; understanding of influence exerted by test subjects on the wave pattern; checkout of the correctness of an inverse problem solution during interpretation.

The authors appreciate participation of A. S. Manzhosov.

keywords Mathematical modeling, ground penetrating radar, Maxwell equation, frequency, discretization interval, Finite-Difference Time-Domain

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