Журналы →  Tsvetnye Metally →  2023 →  №7 →  Назад

Название Behaviour of helium and hydrogen in vanadium alloys – innovative fusion reactor first wall materials: A Review
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2023.07.09
Автор Chernov I. I., Staltsov M. S.
Информация об авторе

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia:

I. I. Chernov, Professor at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Technology at the Office for Educational Programmes, Doctor of Physics & Mathematics Sciences, e-mail: i_chernov@mail.ru
M. S. Staltsov, Associate Professor at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Technology at the Office for Educational Programmes, Candidate of Physics & Mathematics Sciences, e-mail: m.staltsov@gmail.com


This paper presents the third part of a three-part review that looks at the effect of doping elements on the behaviour of helium and hydrogen, the development of gas porosity, as well as the amount of hydrogen retained in alloys of vanadium with Ti, Cr, W and Ta. This paper describes the results of a study that looked at the microstructure along the path of implanted helium ions. The samples were studied with the help of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three layers were detected in which helium porosity developed differently along the depth of the irradiated target. It was found that under sequential irradiation with helium and hydrogen ions pores/bubbles of maximum size tend to arise at distances from the surface exceeding the depth of the calculated distribution maximum of implanted helium ions. It means that as the result of additional Н+ ion irradiation of samples that were prior implanted with Не+ ions, the region of coarse porosity shifts deeper into the sample. The authors carried out a comparative study of and calculated the gas porosity parameters in samples produced in an electrolytic jet thinning unit on a non-irradiated side (TenuPol-5) and cut out perpendicular to the irradiated surface with a focused ion beam. It is shown that when using the electrolytic jet thinning unit all information deeper than 100 nm is lost, and when the focused ion beam was applied, porosity was detected at depths that exceed by almost 3 times the maximum calculated path of Не+ ions with a 40 keV energy in vanadium. It is noted that the key advantage of the focused ion beam method is the possibility to study the distribution of bubbles, pores, radiation defects and other objects along the depth of the irradiated layer, which provides a richer description of the microstructural development trends in simulation experiments involving ion irradiation. High cost and long SEM sample preparation time should be noted as the drawback of this method.

Ключевые слова Vanadium, low-activation vanadium alloys, helium, hydrogen, helium porosity, scanning electron microscopy, SEM sample preparation techniques
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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