Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2023 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Study of the effects of steel and polymer pipe roughness on the pressure loss in tailings slurry hydrotransport
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.04.08
Автор Serzhan S. L., Skrebnev V. I., Malevanny D. V.
Информация об авторе

Saint Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Serzhan S. L., Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Serzhan_SL@pers.spmi.ru
Malevannyi D. V., Postgraduate Student.

POLYPLASTIC Group (Moscow, Russia):

Skrebnev V. I., Leading Technologist


This paper studies the effects of pipeline inner surface materials on hydrotransport energy parameters in the transportation of tailings slurry. It has been established that pipelines with inner surfaces made of polymeric materials ensure higher transportation energy efficiency due to lower specific pressure losses. The respective laboratory tests were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, pressure losses in the transportation of pure water and the initial roughness of the pipe samples studied were experimentally established. At the second stage, changes in sample roughness were studied in the hydrotransport of tailings slurry. The samples were represented by pipes made of high-density polyethylene with an inner layer of thermoplastic vulcanizate; single-layer pressure pipes manufactured in compliance with GOST 18599; and previously used longitudinally electric-welded steel pipes under GOST 10704-91. The influence of the hydraulic friction coefficient on the specific pressure loss and energy intensity of the hydrotransport process has been analyzed. Equivalent roughness values have been established for pipelines made of polymer materials and steel. The relationship between the roughness height parameters of Ra, Rq, Rz and the equivalent even-grained roughness has been established; their changes during tailings slurry hydrotransport have been identified. Hydraulic friction coefficients have been established for new and used pipelines. It has been found that, under the conditions of tailings slurry hydrotransport, pressure losses may be caused by the use of materials with low roughness or by material roughness reduction during operation.

Ключевые слова Pipeline transport, tailings slurry, pressure loss, polyurethane coatings, energy efficiency, inner surface roughness, hydraulic friction coefficient
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