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100th anniversary of the “Metal forming” dept. of Ural federal university
ArticleName Improvement of the accuracy of calibrated rolled products based on a change in the drawing channel geometry
DOI 10.17580/chm.2023.09.04
ArticleAuthor S. O. Nepryakhin, M. G. Martynov

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia:
S. O. Nepryakhin, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Institute of New Materials and Technologies, e-mail:
M. G. Martynov, Master Student


The purpose of the work is to identify possible ways to solve quality improvement issues, based on the analysis of the current calibration mode of round hot-rolled steel. Based on the dimensional analysis, it was found that the primary problem of the impossibility of obtaining the dimensions established by the regulatory documentation at the calibrated frame is the insufficient accuracy of the dimensions of the billets obtained at the linear hot rolling mill. To ensure the required accuracy, it was decided to analyze and change the geometry of the die channel. As a result of the analysis of the angle of inclination of the working cone, it was found that the angle of 11° is not optimal from the position of minimizing the drawing force during reduction from a diameter of 82 mm to 80 mm. It was decided to reduce the slope of the die to 6°, at which, according to calculations according to the Perlin formula, the drawing force is reduced to a value of 247 kN. In the next stage, based on practical recommendations, the length of the calibrating belt was increased from 4 m to 8 mm, which theoretically should allow for a more stable formation of the final size. To check the operability of the proposed solutions, modeling was carried out using the Deform 3D software complex. To debug the model, you selected values for the elastic properties of the workpiece material based on the current mode. Taking into account the selected properties, modeling of the deformation process with the new geometry of the die was carried out. The results of the simulation showed the possibility of obtaining calibrated rolling dimensions within the tolerance even from a hot-rolled workpiece, the size of which exceeds the upper tolerance field. The result of the work was the testing of the drawing mode with the new geometry of the die. At the moment, 286 tons have been drawing, while the tool consumption has decreased by 40 %.

keywords Drawing, calibrated rolled product, modeling, die, die channel, optimal angle of die, accuracy, deformation

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