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ArticleName Multiplicative method to assess fire and explosion hazard of mine air containing hydrocarbon gases
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.09.05
ArticleAuthor Rodionov V. A., Seregin A. S., Ikonnikov D. A.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

V. A. Rodionov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
A. S. Seregin, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
D. A. Ikonnikov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The brief statistics on underground mines, accident rate and fatal injury rate is given. From the review of the research data and Rostekhnadzor’s reports, it is concluded on the lack of actions aimed at elimination, prevention and/or precaution of incidents and accidents (emergency situations) at underground mining facilities. One of the causes of such emergencies may probably be insufficient attention to the assessment of fire and explosion hazards of substances in composition of mine air. Emphasis is laid on the substances which can enter mine air in case of an incident and/or accident of any type. As an approach to the assessment of fire and explosion hazard of mine air, the authors propose the multiplicative method integrating sampling techniques, special sample preparation and analytical survey of samples. The analytical processes included in the multiplicative method by the authors are the combination of analytical chromatography and mass-spectroscopy. Based on the research, it is recommended to develop an assessment procedure for the fire and explosion hazard of mine air, with regard to a wider spectrum of substances which can enter underground roadways as a result of various processes. It is suggested to use the procedure based on explosion triangle imaging developed for coal mines as a prototype standard.

keywords Mine air, air, oil mine, analytical chromatography, mass-spectroscopy, fire and explosion hazard, toxic gases, liquid hydrocarbons

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