Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2023 →  №6 →  Назад

Название Development of a beneficiation scheme for titanium-zirconium sands of the Shokash deposit, North Kazakhstan
DOI 10.17580/or.2023.06.01
Автор Bulatov K. V., Gazaleeva G. I., Shikhov N. V., Nazarenko L. N.
Информация об авторе

JSC «Uralmekhanobr» (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Bulatov K. V., General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Gazaleeva G. I., Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, gazaleeva_gi@umbr.ru
Shikhov N. V., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Nazarenko L. N., Senior Researcher


The article presents research on the development and comparison of two bulk concentrate processes for titanium-zirconium sands of the Shokash deposit in Northern Kazakhstan. The material and mineral compositions and particle size distribution were studied for the samples and a methodology was designed for constructing and studying two process circuits for obtaining bulk collective concentrates from the original titanium-zirconium sands. The first process generates rougher bulk concentrate and waste tailings using the traditional gravity separation methods in VSh-750 screw separators. Under the second process, rougher ilmenite and rutile-zirconium concentrates and waste tailings are generated using high-gradient magnetic separation in a LONGI LGS-EX separator. The methodology developed envisages similar preparation stages for the two processes, namely, disintegration, sand surface cleaning in a rotary pulsation device, fine screening, and desliming. A comparison of the relevant process indicators indicates clear advantages of the magnetic gravity separation process. Magnetic separation rendered an almost final ilmenite concentrate containing TiO2 at 50.60 wt%, with a yield of 9.3 % and recovery of 67.81 %. This concentrate requires minimal final treatment for obtaining higher concentrate grades. Total TiO2 recovery in the magnetic gravity separation process was 90.7 %, which is 1.5 % higher as compared to traditional gravity separation. For both processes, studies were completed with final treatment of the bulk concentrates using magnetic, gravity, and electrical separation methods in order to obtain monomineral products. High-grade monomineral ilmenite, leucoxene, rutile, and zirconium concentrates were successfully obtained in the exercise. The magnetic gravity separation process has significant advantages in terms of optimized layout solutions and lower capital costs.

Ключевые слова Titanium-zirconium sands, preparation, magnetic gravity separation process, high-gradient separator, ilmenite concentrate, final treatment of concentrates, TiO2 recovery
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