Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2023 →  №12 →  Назад

Название The use of shaped charges at Eshlik-I open pit mine in the Republic of Uzbekistan
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2023.12.11
Автор Umarov F. Ya., Nutfulloev G. S., Katanov I. B., Kobilov Sh. B.
Информация об авторе

NUST MISIS’ Division in Almalyk, Almalyk, Republic of Uzbekistan

F. Ya. Umarov, Director of Division, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
G. S. Nutfulloev, Head of Training and Guidance Department, Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering Science
Sh. B. Kobilov, Assistant


Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo, Russia

I. B. Katanov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, noa-0025@yandex.ru


Ore deposits in the Republic of Uzbekistan feature an extremely various geology and mostly a complex structure. The Sary-Cheku deposit which is developed by Eshlik-I open pit mine is composed mostly of volcanic formations, which dictates mining with drilling and blasting. The authors provide a substantiation for the drilling-and-blasting intensification by the improvement of quality of blasting at the bench bottom and top. Based on the positive experience of the use of shaped charges, a new design of a shaped charge is proposed, with metallic and polyethylene conical liners which ensure the improved quality of rock fragmentation by blasting. The verification results of the design parameters of the shaped charges on an industrial scale demonstrate possibility to reduce the cost of drilling and blasting.

Ключевые слова Rock mass, bench, borehole, shaped charge, overdrill, quality, efficiency, explosive, stemming
Библиографический список

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