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Economics and Finances
Название Situational analysis of business activity of ferrous metallurgy companies from the perspective of an institutional approach
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.01.13
Автор V. G. Kogdenko, N. A. Kazakova
Информация об авторе

National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, Moscow, Russia
V. G. Kogdenko, Dr. Econ., Head of the Dept. of Financial Management


Russian University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
N. A. Kazakova, Dr. Econ., Prof., Dept. of Financial and Economic Security, e-mail: axd_audit@mail.ru


The relevance of the article is due to the lack of research on assessing the business activity of the ferrous metallurgy business, taking into account its institutional aspects, as well as their importance in monitoring the implementation of the sectoral strategy for the development of the metallurgical industry for the period up to 2030 to search for new potential points of economic growth and provide public and private support measures. The purpose of the study was to assess the ability of individual businesses to quickly adapt to the current situation, to identify risk factors, growth and cause-and-effect relationships that can encourage companies to reconfigure business strategies, to identify the group of the most efficient, fastest growing companies with the greatest multiplier effect. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the object-specific data of the information resource SPARK-Interfax for companies for 2019–2022, aggregated according to such institutional criteria as the type of activity in the production of ferrous metallurgy, the size (type) of the organization, age, form of ownership, legal form participation in public procurement. The scientific results of the study consist in the development of a situational analysis algorithm that provides an institutional approach to assessing the business activity of the ferrous metallurgy business, which makes it possible to highlight the features in the degree of adaptation to the current situation, as well as the exposure to risks of companies belonging to various institutional groups. This article presents the results of the first stage of the study of the institutional structure of business.

Ключевые слова Ferrous metallurgy, analysis, business activity, institutional approach, participation in public procurement, risks, sanctions, import substitution
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